Southeast Alaska Coast Guard Dockside Examiner Schedule

6 Mar

Southeast Alaska 2018 Travel Schedule
Fishing Vessel Dockside Examiners


Port                              Tentative Visit Dates                  Point of Contact

Metlakatla                      Sometime in March                     Jim Paul  907 225-4496 ext 2233

Metlakatla                      Sometime in April                        Jim Paul  907 225-4496 ext 2233

Wrangell                        Week of April 9th                         Jim Paul 907 225-4496 ext 2233

Hoonah                         Week of April 24th                       Dave Hydock 907 463-2448

Prince of Whales           Week of May 7th                         Jim Paul  907 225-4496 ext 2233

Haines                          Week of May 9th                         Dave Hydock 907 463-2448

Metlakatla                      May 14 & 15                              Jim Paul  907 225-4496 ext 2233

Metlakatla                      May 30th                                    Jim Paul  907 225-4496 ext 2233

Hoonah                         May 29th to 30th                         Dave Hydock 907 463-2448

Petersburg                     May 15th to 18th                         Steve Ramp 907 966-5620

Wrangell                        May 15th to 18th                         Jim Paul  907 225-4496 ext 2233

Pelican                          May 21st to 23rd                         Steve Ramp 907 966-5620

Elfin Cove                      May 23rd to 25th                         Steve Ramp 907 966-5620

Yakutat                          May 29th to 31st                         Steve Ramp 907 966-5620

Gustavus                      June 1st                                  Dave Hydock 907 463-2448

Tenakee Springs & Angoon           June 11th to 15th      Dave Hydock 907 463-2448

Prince of Whales            Week of June 25th                 Jim Paul  907 225-4496 ext 2233

Petersburg                      June 19th & 20th                   Dave Hydock 907 463-2448

Port Alexander                June 26th to 28th                  Steve Ramp 907 966-5620

Hoonah                         July 2nd                                   Dave Hydock 907 463-2448

Haines                          July 26th to 29th                       Dave Hydock 907 463-2448