UFA Update – June

11 Jun

UFA Update
June 7, 2011

To support UFA by becoming a member see http://www.ufa-fish.org/members.htm

Fishing fleets, processors and others in the seafood industry have stepped up to the plate in fundraising to help Japan’s fishing communities with over a third of a million dollars raised so far, and we’re just getting started. Please contact AFIRM through UFA at 907-586-2820 if you would like to coordinate a fundraising event in your fishing community with our help.

AFIRM, others in seafood raising thousands for Japan relief – Juneau Empire:
Dutch Harbor Fisherman:
Fish Radio:

To go directly to donation by credit card through PayPal CLICK HERE


  • 1. Global Food Alaska 2011 – Soldotna hosts global buyers, suppliers June 8-10

  • ADF&G Provides New System for Fishery News Releases

  • Port Moller dock boss discovers incorrect tide predictions

  • Bristol Bay regional Seafood Development Association Summer Newsletter (May)

  • Comment Deadline July 8 on Bristol Bay Critical Habitat Areas draft management plan

  • South Peninsula Commercial Fishermen Sit Out First Salmon Fishery Opening

  • BOF 2011 – 2012 Tentative Meeting schedule posted, except PWS:

  • USCG Admiral Papp: Coast Guard needs greater Arctic presence

  • Oceans Month Kicks Off with Presidential Proclamation, Events

  • NIOSH Budget cut could be deadly for fishermen

  • Fishing Safer – But Still Deadly

  • Lessons in survival: One crew prepared for worst and lived; not so the other

  • AMSEA Safety Training Calendar with links: http://www.amsea.org/calendar.html

  • FISHSAFE.INFO – – Schedule Your FREE ‘No Fault’ Dockside Safety Exam Today

  • Fishery council to take bite out of bycatch in Nome

  • Items for the June NPFMC meeting in Nome, Alaska June 6-14

  • Olson and Henderson reappointed to North Pacific Council

  • Sen. Begich: Trash Free Seas Act of 2011 Introduced in Senate (S.1119)

  • Forest Service concerned about Sealaska bill

  • Chairman Young Holds Hearing On Sealaska Land Entitlement Bill

  • Murkowski Supports Bill to Complete Sealaska Lands Exchange

  • Six more leave Tongass Futures Roundtable just before spring meeting

  • New State Timber Task Force Announced -AK out of Tongass Roundtable

  • My Turn: Timber Task Force vs. Tongass Roundtable

  • State policy leads beluga ESA recovery team to remove Alaska scientists

  • WDFW & AK Scientists review of Steller Sea Lion BiOp:

  • State’s coastal zone management authority to expire this month

  • Alaska Citizens’ Advisory Commission on Federal Areas meets June 22

  • House Resources Fisheries Subcommittee considers bill to help Salmon vs. Sea Lions

  • Commercial Seafood Consumer Protection Act in Senate Hearing June 8

  • Oceana & press target intentional, fraudulent mislabeling of seafood

  • NFI forms Better Seafood Board (BSB) to stamp out fish fraud

  • With no labeling, few realize they are eating genetically modified foods

  • Gov. Announces Best Year for Alaska Exports

  • Alaska Seafood Chain of Custody Standard Now Complete

  • UK – QR codes tell you where your crabs come from

  • Bleeding fish results in high quality, price – Izetta Chambers in Dutch Harbor Fisherman

  • Montana Hutterite colonies diving into contained commercial salmon farming

  • Canada: PEI Company sees bright future in farmed halibut

  • Comment deadline June 14 on WWF “Standards for Responsible Salmon Aquaculture”

  • Laine Welch’s Fish Radio http://www.marineconservationalliance.org/?page_id=846 – topics from this week

  • Comment deadline July 20 on NS-10 regarding consideration of safety in fisheries

  • FDA – HSCCP Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Controls Guidance, 4th Ed.

  • Comment Deadline July 5 on BSAI Crab FMP Amendments 38 & 39

  • Navy reaches training alternative for Gulf of Alaska

  • Comment Deadline August 2 on National Forest Invasive Species Mgmt Directive

  • Comment deadline August 2 on NMFS Alaska Saltwater Sportfishing Economic Survey

  • AK DEC APDES Permit Issuance Plan for 2011-2012 posted

  • Comment Deadline July 1 for guidance on waters covered by EPA Clean Water Act

  • NOAA seeks information from public on marine mammal deaths near Skagway

  • Deadline July 22 for USDA Rural Cooperative Development Grants

  • Federal Money Available to Businesses Impacted by Imports – Commerce TAA

  • NPRB Seeks Nominations for Advisory Panel with Bering Sea Expertise

  • Federal Subsistence Board Discusses Status of Secretarial Review Action Items

1. Global Food Alaska 2011 – Soldotna hosts global buyers, suppliers June 8-10
By Andrew Jensen, Alaska Journal of Commerce
Robin Richardson is on a mission to make markets for Alaska manufacturers.
The Soldotna Sports Center will host the third biennial Global Food Alaska event June 8 and 9, bringing together commercial buyers from around the world with Alaska’s food, beverage and agri-product sectors…


Global Food Alaska’s 2011 Award Semi-Finalists – (AK Journal of Commerce)

2011 Global Foods Alaska Event Agenda

Global Food Alaska home page:
2. ADF&G Provides New System for Commercial, Subsistence, and Personal Use Fishery News Releases
(Juneau) – The Alaska Department of Fish and Game is providing a new online system for distributing and subscribing to news releases for commercial fishery openings, closings, fishing areas, times, and non-regulatory updates about specific fisheries. This system will also allow users to find announcements about subsistence fisheries and those personal use fisheries managed by the Division of Commercial Fisheries.

Starting on May 31, all fishery news releases and announcements will be available in the new system and subscribers will automatically receive their news releases and announcements via email.

The new system, instructions for use, and subscription sign up is available at:
3. Port Moller dock boss discovers incorrect tide predictions
By Laine Welch | Capital City Weekly

…Fishermen and other mariners are being warned that the tide information for Port Moller is off by 8 to 10 hours. The error was first noticed a few weeks ago by Richard Lovano, dock boss for 30 years at Peter Pan Seafoods at Port Moller, when he was planning the best time to work under the company dock…

“It’s not only a situation with our book, but the official tides published by NOAA include the same data,” … “So anyone who is buying a tide product based on NOAA’s predictions has these incorrect tides.”…

4. Bristol Bay regional Seafood Development Association Summer Newsletter (May)

Contents include:
New Website
Board Election Results
A Board Member’s Perspective
2011 Project Report
Ice Barge Update
Pebble Mine Q & A
Annual Membership Meeting

5. Comment Deadline July 8 on Bristol Bay Critical Habitat Areas draft management plan
Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) seeks public comment on a Bristol Bay Critical Habitat Areas draft management plan. The management plan addresses five critical habitat areas; Egegik Critical Habitat Area (CHA), Pilot Point CHA, Cinder River CHA, Port Heiden CHA, and Port Moller CHA located on the north side of the Alaska Peninsula. The management plans will apply to state lands and waters and private lands within the CHA boundaries. The management plan and subsequent regulations will be used by department staff to authorize appropriate activities in the critical habitat areas through Special Area Permitting…

The draft plan is available for public review and comment through July 8, 2011. Copies are available on the department website at

ADFG Press Release (June 1):
6. South Peninsula Commercial Fishermen Sit Out First Salmon Fishery Opening

Sand Point, AK – June 5, 2011 – For the second year in a row, the South Peninsula fishing fleet has decided that the seiners should stand down during the first opening of this year’s salmon fishery. Last night, the fleet held a meeting in Sand Point, with teleconference sites in False Pass and King Cove. Subsistence fishermen have noted that the chum-to-sockeye ratios are still high. Given this information, the fishermen unanimously decided that the seiners should stand down during this opening, which begins at 6 a.m. Tuesday, June 7th and ends at 10 p.m. on Friday, June 10th.

Fishermen will meet again at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 8 to determine whether further measures are advisable.

Salmon fishermen from these villages realize that chum salmon catches during the June fishery are politically dangerous. For decades, Area M fishermen have been plagued by accusations that they are affecting commercial and subsistence chum salmon runs in the A-Y-K (Arctic Yukon Kuskokwim). In 2001, the Alaska Board of Fisheries implemented severe restrictions which nearly bankrupted the entire Area M fishing fleet. In 2004, the Board of Fisheries lifted the restrictions to pre-2001 levels after finding no evidence that previous chum salmon fishing restrictions made any improvement in chum runs in the A-Y-K.

The South Peninsula fishing fleet hopes that by taking voluntary measures like this purse seine stand down, they can maximize their sockeye harvest without stirring up the controversy that accompanies large chum catches.

“We’ll keep monitoring subsistence catches, and look at our options on Wednesday,” said Sand Point Mayor and seiner Glen Gardner, Jr.

For background info and last year’s press release




7. BOF 2011 – 2012 Tentative Meeting schedule posted, except PWS:

The Alaska Board of Fisheries has posted its schedule for the 2011-2012 meeting season – except PWS:

BOF News page:
8. USCG Admiral Papp: Coast Guard needs greater Arctic presence

…New shipping lanes, increasing tourism, new access to fish stocks and especially the promise of oil and gas drilling have set off something of an Arctic gold rush, and the Coast Guard’s presence in the region is a far cry from what it needs to be, he said.

“There’s 49 states that don’t really consider us to be an Arctic country,” Papp said. “But if there’s a cruise ship sinking, or an oil tanker spill — I know who they’re going to point the finger at if there’s a problem up there and we’re unable to respond.”

To that end, the Coast Guard is reviewing what it needs for Arctic operations, including the possibility of an at-least-seasonal air base in northern Alaska…

9. Oceans Month Kicks Off with Presidential Proclamation, Events
Featured Events Include Capitol Hill Oceans Week


and Smithsonian Seafood Festival


& Ocean Council Listening Sessions Begin June 9

Today, the Obama Administration proclaimed June as National Oceans Month, recognizing that healthy oceans matter to all Americans. In part, the President’s proclamation states:

“During National Oceans Month, we celebrate the value of our oceans to American life and recognize the critical role they continue to play in our economic progress, national security, and natural heritage. Waterborne commerce, sustainable commercial fisheries, recreational fishing, boating, tourism, and energy production are all able to contribute to job growth and strengthen our economy because of the bounty of our oceans, coasts, and Great Lakes.”

Washington, D.C-based events:
June 7, NOAA Administrator Dr. Jane Lubchenco will deliver the keynote address at CHOW.
June 9, Dr. Lubchenco will participate in a Smithsonian-sponsored panel discussion of sustainable seafood with an emphasis on the Gulf of Mexico.
June 9 in Washington, D.C. and Alaska, the National Ocean Council will take another important step to implement the nation’s first comprehensive ocean policy by launching a series of 12 public listening sessions aimed at gathering public input from the communities and economies that depend on and care for our ocean, coasts, and Great Lakes.

AK & WA Listening Sessions:
June 9, 4:00pm-9:00pm
Barrow, AK, North Slope Borough Offices

June 10, 4:00pm-9:00pm
Anchorage, AK, Wilda Marston Theatre, Z. J. Loussac Library

June 27, 8:30am-5:00pm
Ocean Shores, WA, Quinault Beach Resort and Casino

For more information on the National Ocean Council activities, go to:

To comment on the strategic action plans, go to:

To find a National Ocean Council regional listening session near you, go to:

NPFMC comments to National Ocean Council on nine priority objectives:
10. NIOSH Budget cut could be deadly for fishermen
ADN COMPASS: Other points of view By GUNNAR KNAPP (4/7)

…I was stunned to learn that the administration’s FY 2012 budget would eliminate the NIOSH fishing safety program — a cut which would save the federal government at most a few hundred thousand dollars. Unbelievably, the stated rationale was a review of NIOSH programs by a National Academy of Sciences panel which had specifically praised the fishing safety program as an “exemplary” program which had “executed its research according to how an ideal program would operate.”…


Fishing safety research threatened by budget cuts
Jacob Resneck/KUCB (2011-06-06)

UNALASKA, AK (kucb) – Commercial fishing remains one of the most dangerous occupations in the country. So safety experts are crying foul over the Obama administration’s proposal to cancel a program run by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health that’s working to reduce fisheries-related deaths and injuries.

11. Fishing Safer – But Still Deadly
By Margaret Bauman, National Fisherman online

…Interventions developed by the Coast Guard in Alaska for stability checks on the Bering Sea crab fleet have helped, but on an overall basis, commercial fishing continues to be the state’s most dangerous occupation, a new report confirms…

New safety video aims to prevent drownings at sea
Man overboard!
Got your attention?
It could happen, so take a look at “Man Overboard: Prevention and Recovery,” a new training video produced by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health’s Alaska Pacific regional office. It’s designed to help prevent work-related deaths from drowning in commercial fisheries.

DVD copies of the video area available free from NIOSH. Just visit http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/fishing

Bristol Bay Times story:

CDC NIOSH F/V Safety home page:
12. Lessons in survival: One crew prepared for worst and lived; not so the other
The contrast is as clear as life and death. The crew of the 60-foot boat Nordic Mistress that sank 85 miles north of Kodiak on Sunday was prepared. They radioed their mayday, gave an exact position to the Coast Guard, got into immersion suits and a covered raft and fired a red flare to alert a rescue helicopter to their position…


Boat sinks north of Kodiak; Coast Guard rescues five

After clam digger deaths, company targeting safety

Search suspended for man overboard 110 miles west of Togiak (5/25)
13. AMSEA Safety Training Calendar with links:

Alaska Marine Safety Education Association home page:
14. FISHSAFE.INFO – – Schedule Your FREE ‘No Fault’ Commercial Fishing Vessel Dockside Safety Exam Today

15. Fishery council to take bite out of bycatch in Nome

The North Pacific Fishery Management Council is in Nome this week with plans to take a bite out of salmon bycatch.

The council is scheduled meet June 8 through June 14 with the bulk of its time — four days — to take final action on a hard cap for chinook salmon bycatch in the Gulf of Alaska and select a preliminary preferred alternative to control chum salmon bycatch in the Bering Sea…

16. Items for the June NPFMC meeting in Nome, Alaska June 6-14

GOA Halibut PSC Catch limit action plan

NBSRA Research Plan

http://www.fakr.noaa.gov/npfmc/current_issues/halibut_issues/SizeLimitMethods511.pdf for Establishing Maximum Size Limits for the Charter Fishery

Chum Bycatch:
Executive Summary



Outreach Report

GOA Chinook Bycatch EA/RIR/IRFA

Draft Crab SAFE Chapters:


Adak RKC










NPFMC comments to National Ocean Council:

NPFMC home page:
17. Olson and Henderson reappointed to North Pacific Council

The appointees for 2011 fill obligatory seats for Alaska and Washington.
John J. Henderschedt (Washington)
Eric A. Olson (Alaska)

18. Sen. Begich: Trash Free Seas Act of 2011 Introduced in Senate (S.1119)

Legislation designed to clean up and prevent ocean trash from washing ashore and destroying marine ecosystems was introduced in the Senate today, Senator Daniel K. Inouye, Senator Mark Begich and Senator Lisa Murkowski announced.

The Trash Free Seas Act of 2011, a bill to Re-authorize the Marine Debris Research, Prevention, and Reduction Act (MDRPRA) of 2006, was introduced today. The MDRPRA’s term of authorization expired at the end of 2010.


For full text and tracking of S.1119, see http://thomas.loc.gov, and search by bill number.
19. Forest Service concerned about Sealaska bill
By MARY PEMBERTON, Associated Press, in Bloomberg Business Week

A bill allowing a private Native corporation to pick choice lands in the nation’s largest national forest is crucial to saving Southeast Alaska’s timber industry, Sen. Lisa Murkowski told a Senate committee. Murkowski, R-Alaska, said Wednesday that her bill conveying about 80,000 acres in the Tongass National Forest to Sealaska Corp. has seen 150 changes since 2008, and it’s time to act on it.

“The timber industry in Southeast Alaska is hanging by a thread,” Murkowski told the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, where she is the ranking member. “Without passage of this bill, Alaska will likely be forced out of the timber industry.”

Sealaska is owed the acreage under the 1971 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. What makes the Murkowski-sponsored bill controversial is that it would allow Sealaska, which has nearly 20,000 shareholders, to choose lands outside areas designated by the act.

Harris Sherman, with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, told the committee that the Forest Service, which now manages the lands, remains concerned about the bill. Some of the lands that Sealaska wants are vital to the future direction of the forest as it moves away from old-growth cutting and toward sustainable second-growth, he said…


UFA has adopted the consensus points from our Southeast member groups, calling for 100 foot stream buffers and better clarity on allowable uses of futures sites. One man’s “ecotourism” is another man’s stack of fish boxes to sell back home to pay for their Alaska vacation, and that has to stop.
20. Chairman Young Holds Hearing On Sealaska Land Entitlement Bill

Chairman of the Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs Don Young held a hearing today on H.R. 1408, the Southeast Alaska Native Land Entitlement Finalization and Jobs Protection Act. This bipartisan legislation will allow the Sealaska Native Corporation to receive its remaining land conveyance under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) of 1971. Rep. Young first took the lead on this legislation in the 110th Congress.

“I have traveled to Southeast Alaska many times since I last introduced this legislation, gathering input from all stakeholders including local communities and local businesses,” said Rep. Young. “This year marks 40 years since ANCSA was signed into law, and Sealaska is still without their full land entitlement. It’s long past time that this issue is finalized and I intend to do just that.”
Rep Don Young Press release:

21. Murkowski Supports Bill to Complete Sealaska Lands Exchange

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, today released the following comments in favor of legislation that would allow Southeast Alaska’s Sealaska Native Regional Corp. to complete the land selection promised to its shareholders nearly 40 years ago under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA):

“This legislation is important not only to keep the legal promise the federal government made in ANCSA, but also to ensure the survival of the remaining timber operations in Southeast Alaska,” Murkowski said. “Without access to private timber, the remaining mills will disappear and an important part of the region’s economy will be forever lost.”

The Sealaska bill (S.730) was one of six lands bills the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee heard testimony on Wednesday.


For full text and tracking of the Senate and House versions of the Sealaska lands bill, S.730 and H.R. 1408, see http://thomas.loc.gov, and search by bill number.
22. Six more leave Tongass Futures Roundtable just before spring meeting
Posted: May 17, 2011 – 8:44pm


The Tongass Futures Roundtable has lost six members just before its spring meeting. Those that left say the Roundtable has not progressed in stabilizing timber sales and the bureaucratic process has been too slow.

A press release states those leaving include Coffman Cove City Administrator Elaine Price, Wrangell Economic Development Director Carol Rushmore, Wrangell Borough Manager Tim Rooney, Petersburg City Manager Scott Hahn, Petersburg Community Development Director Leo Luczak and former Craig Mayor Dennis Watson…

23. New State Timber Task Force Announced – Gov Parnell pulls AK out of Roundtable

May 5, 2011, Juneau, Alaska – Governor Sean Parnell has issued an Administrative Order creating a new state timber task force. The task force will focus on developing recommendations that will lead to new jobs in the timber industry, particularly in traditional timber harvesting from federal, state, and private lands…

While we will continue to pursue federal timber sales for traditional harvest, I look forward to receiving task force recommendations that will focus more on state efforts. In order to focus limited state resources on efforts that will lead to new jobs, the state will also be withdrawing from the Tongass Futures Roundtable. Any roundtable proposals that benefit traditional timber harvests and new jobs should certainly be presented to the new task force.”

24. My Turn: Timber Task Force vs. Tongass Roundtable
Posted: May 11, 2011

On May 5, Gov. Sean Parnell announced a new state timber task force to focus on creation of new timber industry jobs on federal, state and private lands. The governor also announced that the state will withdraw from the Tongass Futures Roundtable (TFR), a privately sponsored, non-governmental forum.

25. State policy leads beluga ESA recovery team to remove Alaska scientists
INDEPENDENCE: Beluga recovery team must continue without two Alaska experts.
By RICHARD MAUER, Anchorage Daily News

A Parnell administration rule that requires state scientists to adhere to official policy and not the principles of independent science when they work outside their agencies continues to fuel debate more than a month after two biologists were removed from a federal beluga whale recovery team.

The state biologists were kicked off the beluga panel because the rule compromised the scientific integrity of the team, federal officials said.

“The situation is unfortunate,” said Leslie Cornick, an associate professor of marine biology and policy at Alaska Pacific University. “What you have is the politicians silencing their state-employed biologists, and the politicians, who don’t know anything about interpreting scientific data, are interpreting scientific data in a way that fits their agenda.”

The policy could have the long-term effect of chilling participation of state scientists in independent research and journal activity that scientists in academia have long enjoyed, said Cornick, who said she was speaking for herself and not her university.

Doug Vincent-Lang, the acting deputy commissioner of Fish and Game and an advocate of the new state rule, said in a recent interview that scientists are encouraged to engage in vigorous debate inside their agencies, but that once a position is established, the state has a right to demand adherence to it.

On April 25, as the issue simmered for months, the top official of the National Marine Fisheries Service in Alaska decided the state gag rule on its scientists was in direct conflict with federal policy.

James Balsiger, the Juneau-based NMFS regional administrator, said he had no choice but to remove two Alaska Department of Fish and Game biologists, Bob Small and Mark Willette, from the scientific panel of the Cook Inlet beluga whale recovery team, even though both are experts in their fields.

The 13-member panel of unpaid volunteers, now down to 11, is in the middle of drafting a plan designed to get Cook Inlet beluga whales, thought to number about 350, off the endangered species list. The panel is to determine how many belugas represent a sustainable population — when victory can be declared — and figure out a strategy to get there. The plan, due in rough form in about a year, would be subject to public comment and final approval by federal officials.

But the whole matter ran afoul of state policy because officially, Alaska’s government says there’s no distinct, isolated population of belugas in Cook Inlet, and in any event, they aren’t facing extinction. The state sued the National Marine Fisheries Service last year in federal court in Washington, D.C., seeking to have belugas delisted. Motions for summary judgments are now being argued by the two sides and numerous intervenors.

Read more:
26. WDFW & AK Scientists review of Steller Sea Lion BiOp:

Fish and wildlife scientists from Washington and Alaska met June 2 in Seattle to discuss the scientific basis of new federal fishing restrictions designed to protect Steller sea lions in the A second public meeting is scheduled Aug. 1 in Anchorage, after the four-member scientific panel is scheduled to release a draft report and recommendations…

27. State’s coastal zone management authority to expire this month
By Tim Bradner, Alaska Journal of Commerce

Unless something dramatic happens, like another special legislative session, Alaska will lose its clout over offshore leasing and some other federal actions June 30.

That’s when the Alaska Coastal Management Program expires. State legislators failed to approve a required extension of the program during their regular 2011 session ending April 17 and again disagreed on it during a special session that ended May 14…

Coastal management dates from the 1970s and gives coastal communities a voice in state decisions on projects in the coastal area, and gives the state a say in federal permit and program decisions on federal actions in the coastal zone or offshore in federally owned waters beyond the state’s three-mile territorial limit…

28. Alaska Citizens’ Advisory Commission on Federal Areas meets June 22

Notice of Public Meeting – Citizens’ Advisory Commission on Federal Areas (CACFA) will be meeting on Wednesday, June 22, 2011, from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m.; and Thursday, June 23, 2011 from 8:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.

The meeting will be held at the Fairbanks Legislative Information Office; 3rd Floor, Alaska USA Financial Center
1292 Sadler Way, Suite 308, Fairbanks, Alaska.
Local phone: (907) 452-4448

The meeting is open to the public. Periods of public comment are scheduled at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 22 and 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Thursday, June 23. The toll free number to call to participate in public comment (outside Juneau) 1-855-463-5009; (in Juneau) 463-5009.

Any person may present oral or written comments to the Commission on any agenda item or other issue related to federal public lands in Alaska. No advance notice is required. Please note that any written comments received are public records and subject to inspection…

Meeting Notice:
CACFA home page:
29. House Resources Fisheries Subcommittee considers bill to help Salmon vs. Sea Lions
Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans and Insular Affairs Legislative Hearing on H.R. 946, Tuesday, June 14, 2011 10:00 AM

H.R. 946 (Hastings), To amend the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 to reduce predation on endangered Columbia River salmon, and for other purposes. “Endangered Salmon Predation Prevention Act.”


For full text and tracking of HR 946, see http://thomas.loc.gov, and select the button to search by bill number.
30. Commercial Seafood Consumer Protection Act in Senate Hearing June 8
WASHINGTON, D.C.—The U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation announces an executive session scheduled for Wednesday, June 8, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. in 253 Russell Senate Office Building.

The following legislation and nominations were scheduled for the Commerce Committee’s consideration:
· S. 50, Commercial Seafood Consumer Protection Act
· S. 158, Surface Transportation Board Reauthorization Act of 2011
· S. 179, Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuaries Boundary Modification and Protection
· S. 183, Deepwater Horizon Survivors’ Fairness Act
· S. 911, Public Safety Spectrum and Wireless Innovation Act
· S. 962, a bill to reauthorize the Northwest Straits Marine Conservation Initiative Act to promote the protection of the resources of the Northwest Straits, and for other purposes
· Nomination for Promotion in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Commissioned Corps
· Nominations for Promotion in the U.S. Coast Guard

Individuals with disabilities who require an auxiliary aid or service, including closed captioning service for webcast hearings, should contact Collenne Wider at 202-224-5511 at least three business days in advance of the hearing date.

For full text and tracking of S.50 and HR1210, see http://thomas.loc.gov, and search by bill number.
31. Oceana & press target intentional, fraudulent mislabeling of seafood

Oceana report: Bait and Switch: How Seafood Fraud Hurts Our Oceans, Our Wallets and Our Health. May 25, 2011. Online at


Oceana. Oceana Launches New Campaign in U.S. to Stop Seafood Fraud: New Report Describes How Seafood Fraud Hurts Our Oceans, Wallets and Health. May 25, 2011. Online at


Oceana. Seafood Fraud: Overview. Online at


Rosenthal E. The New York Times (NYT). Tests Reveal Mislabeling of Fish. May 26, 2011
Online at


Snapper or rock cod on a menu in Alaska is usually rockfish. That is what these hundreds of species are called here. I look for it and consider it a higher value than its namesake species. I also enjoy American football, which is also considered mislabeled to the rest of the world, but that’s what it’s called here.

The tricky part is to catch the crooks and educate the public and fishmongers to using correct names. -MV
32. NFI forms Better Seafood Board (BSB) to stamp out fish fraud
Members of the National Fisheries Institute (NFI)


have taken a pledge


to stamp out economic fraud in the seafood industry.

The Better Seafood Board (BSB) was formed in 2007 to support the commitment of NFI members to abide by industry principles of economic integrity by not selling seafood that is short in weight or count, that has the wrong name, or that has been transshipped from one country to another to circumvent duties and tariffs.

33. With no labeling, few realize they are eating genetically modified foods
When a team of activists wearing white hazmat suits showed up at a Chicago grocery store to protest the sale of genetically modified foods, they picked an unlikely target: Whole Foods Market


Organic foods, by definition, can’t knowingly contain genetically modified organisms, known as GMOs. But genetically modified corn, soy and other crops have become such common ingredients in processed foods that even one of the nation’s top organic food retailers says it hasn’t been able to avoid stocking some products that contain them.

34. Gov. Announces Best Year for Alaska Exports

May 12, 2011, Juneau, Alaska – Governor Sean Parnell announced that Alaska’s annual exports hit their highest mark ever, $4.2 billion in 2010, an increase of 26.95 percent over 2009.

“Alaskans can be proud that our hard work and rich resources have brought us to this record breaking year for exports,” Governor Parnell said. “We must continue our promotion efforts around the world to successfully market our state’s wonderful seafood, minerals, forest products and energy.” …The value of Alaska’s seafood exports was $1.8 billion in 2010, up 12.2 percent, buoyed in part by the best salmon harvest in 18 years.

Two countries accounted for more than a billion dollars of the seafood export: Japan and China. Japan has long been the state’s largest seafood export market and was the largest market again in 2010 at $523.4 million, followed closely by China at $516.9 million. China has been steadily growing in importance in Alaska’s seafood exports and in 2010 was up 23.1 percent…

Governor Parnell Press release:

Alaska 2010 Export Update:
35. Alaska Seafood Chain Of Custody Standard Now Complete

Juneau, Alaska. May 31, 2011 – The Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI) has completed its Chain of Custody Standard, and is now accepting applications for Chain of Custody Certification. This is part of ASMI’s ongoing Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)-Based Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification Program.

The Chain of Custody Standard ensures that only Alaska seafood products bearing a statement “sourced from a certified Alaska fishery” can make this claim. It will ensure that all certified Alaska seafood can be traced back through the supply chain to the fishery that was certified as part of the Alaska Certification Program. To date, both Alaska Salmon and Alaska Halibut have received the FAO-based certification, and applications have been submitted for Alaska Black Cod, Alaska Pollock, and Alaska Crab.

This Chain of Custody Certification is required for any applicant that buys seafood from a certified fishery and wishes to make the certified claim on any of their packaging. Certified seafood handlers will be able to demonstrate effective traceability and have systems in place to ensure that the certified seafood product is not mixed with non-certified seafood.

If an applicant buys seafood from a certified fishery, but does not wish to make the certified claim on any of their packaging, they will not require certification. A certification to the Chain of Custody Standard takes from one to three months and includes a number of distinct steps.

* To learn more about the Alaska Chain of Custody Standard, and to download the Standard (PDF file), click here


* To learn more about the Alaska Chain of Custody Application Process, click here


ASMI Alaska Chain of Custody home page:

ASMI Press Release:
36. UK – QR codes tell you where your crabs come from
By George Wong – 05/22/2011 22:41 PDT

If you’re a fan of eating crabs from a certain location because you have a certain preference for the flavor or texture of the crabs there, it’s going to be a lot easier to locate them in the future. The Really Interesting Crab Company and Scan and Go Code service have teamed up together to bring folks in the UK a more interesting way to find out where your crabs came from – with the use of technology.

The companies plan to implement QR codes in restaurant menus that people can just whip out their smartphones to scan…

37. Bleeding fish results in high quality, price
Izetta Chambers in Dutch Harbor Fisherman

Several years ago, when our family-owned company, Naknek Family Fisheries, began asking fishermen to bleed their fish as soon as they were caught, many fishermen didn’t know what this meant…

38. Montana Hutterite colonies diving into contained commercial salmon farming

BYNUM, Mont. — In the shadow of the Rocky Mountains, miles from salt water, salmon are growing in Montana’s first commercial fish farm…

In December, batches of 10,000 and 12,000 tiny salmon eggs arrived at the Miller Colony, just outside of Bynum, and the East End Colony north of Havre…

The Hutterite colonies rely on cutting-edge technology to filter the waste from the water and to essentially re-create a stream in a 30-foot-in-diameter steel tank…

Farm-raised salmon traditionally are grown in open-net ocean pens. The practice has come under fire as the nonnative species escape into the wild, polluting the water with sea lice and spreading disease to other fish…

39. Canada: PEI Company sees bright future in farmed halibut

VICTORIA – Early success in supplying up-scale restaurants with farmed halibut has prompted a P.E.I. company to look at the feasibility of growing its fish even bigger.

Halibut P.E.I. Inc. has been raising halibut at the former Morning Star lobster pound in Victoria since the fall of 2008. They take in thumb-sized juvenile fish, weighing between five and 10 grams from a hatchery in Nova Scotia, and grow them to around two kilograms…

40. Comment deadline June 14 on WWF “Standards for Responsible Salmon Aquaculture”

The Salmon Aquaculture Dialogue


is pleased to present the final draft of its standards for responsible salmon aquaculture. The standards, which address the seven main environmental and social impacts of salmon farming, are a product of the consensus-building process used by the Dialogue. We encourage you to provide feedback on the draft standards…

41. Laine Welch’s Fish Radio http://www.marineconservationalliance.org/?page_id=846 – topics from this week

6/6/11 Tenders expand use of tLandings
6/3/11 Bycatch to food banks program expands to Gulf of AK
6/2/11 Undates on halibut, salmon, herring
6/1/11 Alien invaders alert!
5/31/11 Sablefish tags tell wanderings
42. Comment deadline July 20 on NS-10 regarding consideration of safety in fisheries

NMFS issues this advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPR) to provide background information and request public comment on potential adjustments to the National Standard 10 Guidelines.

DATES: Written comments regarding the issues in this ANPR must be received by 5 p.m., local time, on July 20, 2011…

National Standard 10 states: ”Conservation and management measures shall, to the extent practicable, promote the safety of human life at sea.”

43. FDA announces HSCCP Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Controls Guidance, 4th Ed.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is announcing the availability of a guidance for industry entitled ”Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Controls Guidance, Fourth Edition.” The updated guidance supports and complements FDA’s regulations for the safe and sanitary processing and importing of fish and fishery products using hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) methods.

DATES: Submit either electronic or written comments on Agency guidances
at any time.

Federal Register Notice:

FDA Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Controls Guidance home page:
44. Comment Deadline July 5 on BSAI Crab FMP Amendments 38 & 39

The North Pacific Fishery Management Council submitted Amendments 38 and 39 to the Fishery Management Plan for Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands King and Tanner Crabs (FMP) to NMFS for review. If approved, Amendment 38 would establish a mechanism in the FMP to specify annual catch limits and accountability measures for each crab stock. This action is necessary to account for uncertainty in the overfishing limit and prevent overfishing. If approved, Amendment 39 would modify the snow crab rebuilding plan to define the stock as rebuilt the first year the stock biomass is above the level necessary to produce maximum sustainable yield…

DATES: Written comments on the amendment must be received on or before 5 p.m., Alaska local time, on July 5, 2011.

Federal Register Notice:
45. Navy reaches training alternative for Gulf of Alaska
By Jonathan Grass JUNEAU EMPIRE

The Department of the Navy has decided on an alternative training method in the Gulf of Alaska. This decision follows the results of an environmental impact statement (EIS) conducted as required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

The preferred alternative, which is Alternative 2, involves continuing current training activities while increasing certain ones from current levels to support fleet exercise requirements, includes active sonar use and accommodates new training requirements associated with force structure changes and the introduction of new weapons and systems to the fleet.


Notice of Availability of Record of Decision – Federal Register Notice: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-05-19/html/2011-12283.htm

US Navy Gulf of Alaska Training home page:
46. Comment Deadline August 2 on National Forest Invasive Species Mgmt Directive

The Forest Service is seeking comment on it’s proposal to establish an internal directive to Forest Service Manual (FSM) 2900 for invasive species management. The proposed invasive species management directive will provide foundational comprehensive guidance for the management of invasive species on aquatic and terrestrial areas of the National Forest System (NFS)…

This directive will increase Forest Service effectiveness when planning and implementing invasive species management activities; using a collaborative and holistic approach for protecting and restoring aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems from the impacts of invasive plants, pathogens, vertebrates, and invertebrates.

DATES: Comments must be received in writing by August 2, 2011…

Federal Register Notice:

U.S.F.S. Invasive Species home page:
47. Comment deadline August 2 on NMFS Alaska Saltwater Sportfishing Economic Survey

The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) plans to conduct a survey to collect data for conducting economic analyses of marine sport fishing in Alaska. This survey is necessary to understand the factors that affect the economic value of marine recreational fishing trips and improve estimates of fishing trip value.

The Federal Government is responsible for the management of the Pacific halibut sport fishery off Alaska, while the State of Alaska manages the salmon sport fisheries (chinook, coho, sockeye, chum and pink), as well as several other saltwater sport fisheries. The survey’s scope covers marine sport fishing for Pacific halibut, salmon, and other popular marine sport species in Alaska (e.g., lingcod and rockfish). The data collected from the survey will be used to estimate the demand for and value of marine fishing to anglers and to analyze how the type of fish caught, fishery regulations, and other factors affect fishing values and anglers’ decisions to participate in Alaska marine fishing activities…

48. AK DEC APDES Permit Issuance Plan for 2011-2012 posted

The Department of Environmental Conservation, Alaska Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program, now has available on our web pages the 2011-2012 Permit Issuance Plan. You can access the Plan via any of the web links below.

49. Comment Deadline July 1 for guidance on waters covered by EPA Clean Water Act

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps) are publishing for public comment proposed guidance that describes how the agencies will identify waters protected by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 (Clean Water Act or CWA or Act) and implement the Supreme Court’s decisions on this topic (i.e., Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (SWANCC) (531 U.S. 159 (2001)) and Rapanos v. United States (547 U.S. 715 (2006)) (Rapanos)). The agencies believe that under this proposed guidance the number of waters identified as protected by the Clean Water Act will increase compared to current practice and this improvement will aid in protecting the Nation’s public health and aquatic resources…

Comments must be received on or before July 1, 2011.

Federal Register Notice:

Please note that the email address in the FR notice on page 24480 “E-mail: owdocket@epa.gov” is incorrect. The correct email to submit comments to the docket is ow-docket@epa.gov. As before, please include EPA-HQ-OW-2011-0409 in the subject line of the message.

EPA page
50. NOAA seeks information from public on marine mammal deaths near Skagway
Juneau, AK — It has been a deadly 2011 for marine mammals in the Skagway area. Since January, the carcasses of two Steller sea lions and three harbor seals have been discovered.

Of the five deceased mammals, four showed signs of head trauma, and a bullet was recovered from one harbor seal skull during a necropsy.

NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement is asking the public for help in determining exactly what is causing these deaths…

51. Deadline July 22 for USDA Rural Cooperative Development Grants

USDA Rural Development is seeking applications for the Rural Cooperative Development Grant (RCDG) Program pursuant to section 310B(e) of the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act (7 U.S.C. 1932) (Act). As provided in the Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act of 2011 (H.R. 1473), approximately $7.4 million in competitive grant funds is available. The intended effect of this notice is to solicit applications for Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 and award grants on or before September 15, 2011. The maximum award per grant is $225,000 and matching funds are required. In accordance with section 310B(e)(6)(B) of the Act, the Secretary has determined that a grant period of one year is in the best interest of the program at this time…

Grants may be made to nonprofit corporations and accredited institutions of higher education…

52. Federal Money Available to Businesses Impacted by Imports – Commerce TAA

If your company has seen sales and/or production decline, and been forced to lay off workers or reduce work hours, and you have lost some domestic sales to imports, the Northwest Trade Adjustment Assistance Center


may be able to qualify your company for the funding.

With assistance from the Northwest Trade Adjustment Assistance Center


U.S. Economic Development Administration grants are available to businesses that are struggling to compete with imports. NWTAAC is one of eleven nonprofit organizations in the nation that administer EDA grants to help American firms become more competitive.

According to Client Development Manager Patrick Meuleman patrick@nwtaac.org, NWTAAC has money available and is actively pursuing interested businesses. Eligible companies can receive up to $75,000 in matching grant funding for projects of their choice aimed at improving competitiveness. Examples might include website design, industry certifications, export assistance and other types of technical assistance.


nwtaac.org http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=uoizcfcab&et=1103867310480&s=2138&e=0010oOWHSyhYLBvedB43jdqSPZwDCu-z-XVFqZ-5cNLOIxrTi66onrpfg8qc9amh6lcZY0QbDrXFcZqPwLtpMyIUUVhxgmYtD3uK40SGzajbtg=

for detailed information and testimonials, or contact Meuleman at 208-343-6855, 800-667-8087, or patrick@nwtaac.org.
53. NPRB Seeks Nominations for Advisory Panel with Bering Sea Expertise

The North Pacific Research Board is seeking nominations for its Advisory Panel with expertise in the Bering Sea.

The Advisory Panel members advise the Board on accomplishing its overall mission of fielding a high caliber, comprehensive research program that will improve our understanding of the Gulf of Alaska, Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands, and Arctic Ocean ecosystems and their fisheries, and help to sustain and enhance the living marine resources.

Read the full nomination description:

54. Federal Subsistence Board Discusses Status of Secretarial Review Action Items

The Federal Subsistence Board met on May 3-4 to discuss the progress that has been made on action items identified during the Secretarial review of the Federal Subsistence Management Program. The Board also discussed the development of a draft Tribal consultation protocol and considered how to express to the North Pacific Fishery Management Council its position on Chinook salmon bycatch in the Gulf of Alaska pollock fishery and chum salmon bycatch in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands pollock fishery…

Announcement with meeting results:

Office of Subsistence management home page:
UFA dues for Alaska Individual members are $150 and are now open to holders of Alaska commercial crew licenses, in addition to CFEC permit holders and IFQ holders.

We also welcome crew/supporter nonvoting members at $50 per year.

To support UFA by becoming a member see


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