ADF&G News Release Announcement: 2016 Stikine And Taku Rivers Chinook Salmon Forecasts

5 Dec
Unlikely District 11 king salmon fishery but District 8 king salmon fishery likely early May. News releases announcing specific opening times and areas will be released in mid-April, 2016. More info below…
2016 Stikine And Taku Rivers Chinook Salmon Forecasts

Alaska Department of Fish and Game
News Release Announcement

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has published the following news release for immediate viewing on the department’s web site. A copy of the news release has also been attached to this notification email.

2015 News Release #120415 NR 1

Title: 2016 Stikine And Taku Rivers Chinook Salmon Forecasts
Publication Date: 12/4/15 1:15 PM
Location: Southeast Region-Southeast/Yakutat-Southeast .
Species Type: Salmon .
Gear Type: Jig, Troll, Dinglebar .
Activity: Commercial Fishing .
Location: Southeast Region-Southeast/Yakutat-Southeast .
Species Type: Salmon .
Gear Type: Seine .
Activity: Commercial Fishing .
Location: Southeast Region-Southeast/Yakutat-Southeast .
Species Type: Salmon .
Gear Type: Gillnet .
Activity: Commercial Fishing .
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