Corkline-News for Southeast Gillnetters, Oct 24, 2014

30 Oct

GENERAL ELECTION.  Election information/absentee voting  here

  • Election Day – Tuesday, November 4, 2014 – Polls are open from 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
  • Early and In-Person Absentee, Special Needs and By-Electronic Transmission Voting Begins
    Monday, October 20, 2014
  • Absentee By-Mail Application Deadline – Saturday, October 25, 2014
  • Absentee by Electronic Transmission Application Deadline – Monday, November 3, 2014, 5:00 p.m. Alaska Time


Support the businesses that support you:

Alaska Glacier Seafoods
Anchor Electric
Coeur Alaska Inc- Kensington Gold Mine
Cummins Northwest
E.C. Phillips & Son
GINNY C (Tender)
Gross-Alaska Theatres
Harbor Way Parts
Harri Plumbing
Hatton Marine (Engine & Generator Systems)
Icicle Seafoods – Petersburg Fisheries Inc


Controversial KSM mine gets key permits (10/22).  Kerr Sulphurets Mitchell, a British Columbia mine in the transboundary Unuk River watershed that concerns many Southeast Alaska fishermen, Native organizations, tourism and environmental groups, has received early construction permits from the British Columbian government.  More

Imperial Metals Corporation: Mount Polley Remediation Update (10/22/14).  Imperial Metals Corporation (“Imperial”) (TSX:III) reports on the recovery efforts related to the August 4 tailings impoundment breach at its Mount Polley mine. The initial response and recovery phase has been substantially completed and crews have commenced rehabilitation and restoration activities.  More  BC Incident Update

Ucore Updates on Research by University of Alaska Fairbanks (Bokan-Dotson Ridge) (10/7).  Halifax, Nova Scotia – Ucore Rare Metals Inc (TSX-V:UCU) (OTCQX:UURAF) (FSE:U9U) (“Ucore” or “the Company”) is pleased to provide an update on continuing research being undertaken at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) on mineralized material from the Bokan-Dotson Ridge (“Bokan”) project in Southeast Alaska.

The Mineral Industry Research Laboratory (MIRL) at the UAF, with financial support from the State of Alaska, is advancing a research project focused on the mineral processing of material generated from the Bokan site. The research project is under the direction of Dr. Rajive Ganguli, Chairman, Dept. of Mining and Geological Engineering, College of Engineering and Mines, UAF, and Director of MIRL. It utilizes Bokan feedstock which has previously been upgraded via x-ray sorting, the first step in Ucore’s proposed mineral processing flowsheet.  More

B.C. didn’t inspect Mount Polley mine in 2010, 2011 (10/14).  A reorganization within the B.C. government four years ago led to a precipitous drop in the number of engineering inspections of tailings dams at the province’s mines, new figures released Monday by the province show.

In 2010 – the same year that a huge crack was reported in the dam at the Mount Polley gold and copper mine – the government’s geotechnical engineers conducted just three inspections across the province, down from 22 the year before. The following year, in 2011, only two inspections were completed.  More


USCG Notice to Mariners-Southeast Alaska.  The U.S. Coast Guard will have VHF Digital Selective Calling (DSC) capability in the near future with limited coverage in Southeast Alaska. The initial coverage areas will be Ketchikan, Juneau and Yakutat. Mariners are reminded to ensure that they have properly connected their GPS units to their DSC equipped marine VHF radios and registered for their Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) to utilize the DSC distress function. Additional information is available through the Alaska Outdoors Forum at (DSC) or by contacting Mike Folkerts with the Coast Guard District 17 Boating Safety Office at (907) 463-2297 or by email to

Angus says live to be salty (10/14).  Falling overboard is the second leading cause of death among commercial fishermen. Over the years, theNational Institute for Occupational Safety and Health office in Anchorage, Alaska,  has done a lot to reduce the number of man overboard deaths in the fishing fleets by encouraging fishermen to wear PFDs.

Their efforts have had some successes: The Alaska Scallop Association has a 100 percent PFD policy while on deck for its member boats, and the 8-boat Mariner fleet of Alaska crabbers also has a PFD policy for its crews.

But NIOSH figures there’s still a long way to go so they’ve hired a fisherman to help promote PFD use. He’s Angus Iversen and appears to be a crusty old fart who is quick with a one-liner.   More

NF.  An example to follow (10/23).  Operators in fishing fleets anywhere in the U.S. that operate outside 3 nautical miles should take note of what the Alaska Independent Tenderman’s Association has done. Not doing so could cost you a lot of money and long-term aggravation.

First, you have to realize that beginning July 1, 2020, boats 50 feet and over that operate outside 3 nautical miles, were built before July 1, 2013 and are 25 years old by 2020, or are built on or before July 1, 2013 and undergo a substantial change to their dimensions will be subject to construction and maintenance standards in the Alternate Safety Compliance Program.

The program is an attempt to reduce the number of casualties in the fishing fleets. The question has always been what will those rules be? Will a Gulf of Mexico shrimper be held to the same standards as a Bering Sea crabber? For that matter, will an Alaska salmon tender have to adhere to the same construction and maintenance rules as an Alaska freezer trawler?  More

The Simple Truths of Safety at Sea for the Alaska Tender Fleet: a Study of Tenders in the 17th Coast Guard District

Rep. Young “freaked out” before Kodiak debate, says challenger Dunbar (10/3).  The combative fisheries debate in Kodiak Wednesday night between U.S. Rep Don Young and his Democratic opponent offered plenty of fireworks, but there was a bristling prelude to the onstage tussle that came before the longest-serving Republican in the House publicly called his young Democratic challenger immature, childish and naive.    More

USCG – Nav Rules & Regulations Handbook (10/3).  The US Coast Guard issued a message announcing promulgation of the Navigation Rules and Regulations Handbook. The Handbook includes the International Regulations for Prevention of Collisions at Sea (COLREGS) and the Inland Navigation Rules. Other laws and regulations pertinent for mariners and waterway users are also included (e.g., Bridge-to-Bridge Radiotelephone Act and Vessel Traffic Services). ALCOAST 411/14 [found at ]  Courtesy Bryant’s Maritime Blog

NOTE:  Units and vessel operators are reminded that 33 CFR 83.01(g) requires: The operator of each self-propelled vessel 12 meters or more in length shall carry on board, and maintain for ready reference, a copy of these Rules.  ~~~ The impediment to allowing an electronic copy of the Navigation Rules is the requirement for access and “ready reference”.

The rule of thumb for “ready reference” means that vessel operators must be able to open up the book in two minutes or less.  Such access is challenging for many electronic devices, especially if they are on a computer or laptop.

Applicants sought for subsistence councils (10/8).  The Federal Subsistence Board is accepting applications through Jan. 23 to fill seats on the 10 Subsistence Regional Advisory Councils. Council membership appointments are typically 3-year terms. There are approximately 35 seats open for appointment among all councils.

The councils meet at least twice a year and provide critical advice to the Federal Subsistence Board on subsistence management issues. Council meetings serve as a forum for regional public involvement in federal subsistence management. Council members must be knowledgeable about the uses of fish and wildlife resources in their region.

Individuals may apply for membership themselves, or an individual or organization may nominate someone for council membership. The application form and information about the application process and the Subsistence Regional Advisory Councils is available on the Federal Subsistence Management Program’s website: The application form and additional information is also available by contacting Carl Johnson at the Office of Subsistence Management at 800-478-1456 or 907-786-3676.  Link     Application Form


BOF October Work Session Meeting Summary

Board of Fisheries readies for annual work session (10/9).  The Alaska Board of Fisheries will meet in Juneau Oct. 15 and 16 to discuss Southeast and Prince William Sound escapement goals and agenda change requests for the upcoming meeting cycle.

The board is meeting for its annual work session, where it hears preliminary reports on escapement goals for each of the regions it will discuss as part of its regular meeting cycle for 2014-15.

The Board of Fisheries sets the management plans for fisheries throughout the state on a three-year cycle. This year, the board will discuss Prince William Sound and Upper Copper/Upper Susitna finfish, Southeast and Yakutat crab, shrimp and miscellaneous shellfish, Southeast and Yakutat finfish, and statewide Dungeness crab, shrimp and miscellaneous shellfish.  More

Work Session, Agenda Change Requests, Cycle Organization, and Stocks of Concern

Meeting Documents:

Department Reports:

RC 8 – Upper Cook Inlet Salmon Escapements (PDF 170 kB)

Southeast salmon escapement goals change to maximize returns (10/16).  For some southeast Alaska salmon stocks, goals for escapements — the number of fish allowed to swim free during fishing season to spawn — have changed to maximize the fish populations in those runs.

Steve Heinl and Ed Jones of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game informed the ADF&G Board of Fisheries of the changes on Wednesday. The board is holding a work session meeting in Juneau through Thursday at Centennial Hall.  More

October 2014 Bristol Bay Buyback Economic Report (10/23).  A year ago, 81% of the Bristol Bay salmon drift permit holders who responded to a survey sent out by the Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association (BBRSDA) said they would like to learn more about a potential buyback of Bristol Bay drift permits. Such a buyback would reduce the number of drift gillnet permits allowed to participate in the Bristol Bay salmon fishery.

In response to the survey, BBRSDA contracted with Northern Economics, Inc. to develop a report that could assist the drift fleet in determining whether or not it wishes to further explore a buyback in the Bay drift fishery. The report provides objective economic information about the Bristol Bay salmon drift gillnet fishery, as well as projecting how different buyback scenarios and associated payback schedules might impact gross and net revenues.  More

2014 Edition of the Juneau & Southeast Alaska Economic Indicators.  The 2014 Edition of the Juneau & Southeast Alaska Economic Indicators (PDF) was developed by the Juneau Economic Development Council (JEDC), with the support of the City and Borough of Juneau and corporate partners, and is now available to the public. Through this and other research publications, the JEDC hopes to increase awareness and engage citizens in local and regional economic issues.  More  Business indicators, seafood page 36

Southeast Alaska Resident Fishermen
Juneau saw 739 residents participate in the Southeast Alaska fish harvest in 2013.  This is an increase of 31 crew and 3 active permit holders over 2012. Region-wide in 2013, the number of fishing permits issued, the number of permit holders, and the number of fishermen who fished increased only slightly, while the number of crew licenses increased by almost 5 percent. In total 4,886 resident commercial fishermen and crew participated in the Southeast fisheries, compared to 4,741 in 2012. Sitka, with 1,041 fishermen and crew, contributes the largest number of participants to theSoutheast fisheries, 21 percent of total participation. Juneau contributes 15 percent of total resident participants.

Seafood Processing Employment in Southeast Alaska

For 2013, the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development estimated the average annual employment in seafood processing in Southeast Alaska to be 1,750 jobs, an increase of 50 over 2012. However, 2013 saw a difference of 4,000 jobs between peak employment in August of 4,550 and the low of 550 employed in January. From 2008 to 2013, peak employment grew at an average annual rate of 6.6 percent while mid-winter employment increased at a rate of 4.1%.

Alaska Sea Grant.  Boat Electrical Online Course.  Boat Electrical is a self-paced, online course for marine vessel operators focusing on electrical theory, wiring, safety, power generation and distribution, and important troubleshooting techniques. Animations and YouTube videos enrich the online learning experience. The course is designed to increase electrical knowledge, as well as the ability to recognize and solve basic electrical problems, and to work successfully with electrical experts.

  • 10–15 hour independent course
  • Three months to complete at your own pace!
  • Discuss questions with an industry expert

    For more information, visit UAS Continuing Education or contact Amy Crews or call 800.478.6653 ext. 7762 or907.747.7762.

AJC.  APOC considers complaints regarding Kenai River Classic (10/23).  The Alaska Public Offices Commission heard complaints on Oct. 21 against three public officials who participated in the Kenai River Classic.

During its regularly scheduled meeting, APOC heard the complaints addressing the participation of Alaska Department of Fish and Game Commissioner Cora Campbell, Department of Natural Resources Deputy Commissioner Ed Fogels and the daughter of Lt. Gov. Mead Treadwell.  More

Perils of high seas captured in Atcheson’s book (10/10).  Veterans of Alaska’s commercial fishing industry will shudder and remember, while those who have never experienced the perils of harvesting on the high seas will get a reality check on why the capture of wild seafood may pose danger at any turn.

Author Dave Atcheson, of Sterling, Alaska, tells it all in his new book, “Dead Reckoning,” with stark descriptions of navigating a life on the high seas of the Last Frontier, and narrow escapes from Davy Jones’ locker.  More

Tillion: Bundrant’s book gets a few things wrong (10/3).  Clem Tillion says he wasn’t all wet when Chuck Bundrant pulled him out of the water over 40 years ago, although he appreciated a little help getting back into his boat.

“First of all, he didn’t save my life,” said fisheries lobbyist Tillion, who read Bundrant’s version in “Catching a Deckload of Dreams. Chuck Bundrant and the story of Trident Seafoods.”

Tillion said he could have climbed back aboard by himself, but appreciated Bundrant’s help. “I said, ‘Hey kid, give me a hand,'” said the former state legislator. But no big deal, Tillion said, as “memories fade” and stories getter better if more distorted over the years.  More

Lecture explains ‘the salmon, our brothers’ (10/8).  Traditional Tlingit ways of interacting with salmon are about more than food: they reflect a holistic sense of the world taught through age-old stories for thousands of years.

University of Alaska Anchorage anthropology professor Steve Langdon, along with Tlingit elders Paul Marks and David Katzeek, spoke on the Tlingit worldview at the University of Alaska Southeast’s Oct. 3 Evening at Egan lecture. A key part of that worldview – something very distinct from Western ways of thinking – is a unification of the spiritual and the physical world.

“In Tlingit concepts, there is no distinction,” Langdon said. “There is a oneness of existence. Humanity is equal (to other forms of life) but has responsibilities.”  More

Canned Salmon Classic winner announced (10/7). The total number of pink salmon cans that were packed in Petersburg this summer was 4,883,627.

That’s the combined total from the two local fish plants Petersburg Fisheries Incorporated and Ocean Beauty Seafoods. The numbers came along with the announcement of the winners of the local guessing game, Canned Salmon Classic. The 2014 winner is Melva Randrup in first place and Deya Edgell in second place. Randrup was off by only 7,084 cans and Edgell was off by 15,748 cans.

For their guesses, Randrup wins $2,000 and Edgell $1,000.  Link


Chum Salmon Market Puzzling Buyers (10/21).  US – The chum salmon market is puzzling buyers globally this season as harvests are lower than expected, reports Rob Reierson in the 3-Minute Market Insight from Tradex Foods.  Video 

Fishing Families Photo Contest Seeking Entries (10/21).  The Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI) once again invites photographers from Alaska and beyond to enter your photographs in our Alaska Fishing Families Photo Contest. The Fan Favorite Grand Prize winner, which will be decided by ASMI’s Facebook fans, will win two round-trip tickets on Alaska Airlines.  More

Alaska Salmon Price Report for May-Aug (10/15)
Alaska Salmon Price Report for May-Aug Introductory Letter
Alaska Salmon Price Report for May-Aug

Alaska Symphony of Seafood Adds New Contest Category (10/22).  The Alaska Symphony of Seafood will have a third location and a new product category for the 22nd annual competition in February.

In addition to the usual gala soirees in Seattle and Anchorage, the host Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation in Anchorage has added a venue in Juneau, and along with retail, food service and smoked product competition, a fourth category: Beyond the Plate, for entries made with parts of seafood that would typically be deemed fish waste or a byproduct of the primary processing. Entries may include fish oil, pet treats, fish leather and many other products, says Julie Decker, executive director of AFDF. The industry, said Decker, has heavily invested in development of new products from traditionally unused seafood parts. The new category is being offered to highlight and promote the improvements the industry has made to reduce fish waste, develop new products and increase the value of Alaska’s seafood.  More

ASMI Marketing Update (10/9). 

Fishermen’s Database – Be an Alaska Seafood Ambassador!.  Calling all fishermen!  Do you want to serve as an unofficial brand ambassador for wild Alaska seafood? ASMI is launching a new opt-in Fishermen’s Database online. Go to the website, sign up and provide a little bit of information about yourself and the fisheries you are involved in. In return, ASMI will send you a custom ‘Alaska Fisherman 2014’ hat created by local artist Scott Baxter of the Aurora Projekt. The limited edition hats include both a men’s and women’s style. ASMI will use the database information to identify those Alaska fishermen who are willing to help bring Alaska Seafood’s story to life, be it though interviews, personal profiles, photo shoots, speaking to guests during media tours or attending events in their home town. For more information contact ASMI’s Communications Director, Tyson Fick.


UAF Researchers Montior Gulf of Alaska and Find Waters Warmer (10/20).  Scientists at the University of Alaska Fairbanks have been studying the waters in the Gulf of Alaska and found that the warmer than normal temperatures are averaging one to five degrees warmer than the September average of 55-57 degrees Fahrenheit.

The Seward Line is the long-term monitoring site in the Gulf of Alaska.  It helps scientists understand the details of what is happening in the waters over the Alaska shelf.

Professor at UAF Russ Hopcroft is the chief scientist studying the waters.  He says his group is studying and monitoring the waters in the Gulf because, just like on land, fluctuating temperatures have interesting and possibly influencing affects.  More


Something’s Fishy About Seattle’s Fishermen’s Terminal – And That’s A Good Thing (10/21).  Living in Seattle, we have a tendency to take great seafood for granted; we know that come spring, our halibut will have a soft landing in herbed butter. It’s a given that we can drive to Fishermen’s Terminal and buy freshly-caught salmon just feet from where the boat docks. We can be confident our crab will still be crawling as we ready our crackers. But we rarely think about the great engine that pumps pristine seafood—and thousands of jobs and billions of dollars of economy—into our city. For more than 100 years, Fishermen’s Terminal has been the connection from the water—and all that it bears—and the city.  More

Job Opening.  Pacific Seafood Processors Association: Office Manager.  One hundred year old trade association requires an office manager who is highly organized and will efficiently run a small two person office. Submit your resume and references to PSPA at (Due November 3, 2014 COB).  Job Description

Closed (10/1).  If you fish commercially in Washington State waters, you’re wasting valuable taxpayer money. At least that’s how the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) sees it. To save those poor taxpayers from financial ruin, the WDFW wants to cut back on commercial fisheries, starting with the closure of the commercial salmon fishery in Puget Sound, Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor.

The State says it needs to find some money somewhere. State agencies in Washington submit supplemental operating budget proposals every two years. This year, Governor Jay Inslee wants those agencies to cut 15 percent from their share of the general fund. The 6-member Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission decided that the best place to find it was in the commercial fishery budget.

On September 4th, the commission voted 5 to 1 to approve the proposal from the department’s budget officer, which, along with closing the aforementioned fisheries, will close four hatcheries, reduce funding for two more and reduce commercial Puget Sound shellfish fisheries. “I proposed it,” says outgoing director of Fish and Wildlife Phil Anderson, of the budget, noting that a similar proposal four years ago was put before former Governor Christine Gregoire, who didn’t approve it. Now that the commission has voted on the budget, Anderson says, it goes to the Governor. It’s his decision on whether to take it to the legislature for a vote.  More


ADFGSoutheast Fish Counts  Southeast Harvest



Nov 4.  Alaska General Election  Absentee Voting

Dec 2.  Drift Gillnet Task Force, PSG

Dec 3.  USAG Annual Board Meeting, PSG

Dec 3.  Seine Task Force, PSG

Dec 4.  Joint RPT, PSG

Dec 19.  EPA Small Vessel Discharge Permit goes into effect (Unless Congress acts)


Jan 23.  Applications due for federal subsistence RAC’s

Feb 9.  Comments due BOF Southeast and Yakutat Finfish 

Feb 23-Mar3.   BOF SE Finfish, Sitka