Holiday Reading and Viewing

24 Dec

Transboundary. USAG signed on to the letter described in this article along with about 100 other groups, municipalities and businesses, to ask the state to work with our federal government to ensure our waters are protected from upstream mining:

Mount Polley Mine Corp, owned by Imperial Metals, will not be fined for its major damn breach Aug 2014

Water quality testing begins on the Stikine and Taku Rivers; Unuk River testing is in the works

GE Salmon. FDA finds loophole to not label GE Salmon

Forest Service. Throughout southeast they are having open houses and subsistence hearings next month regarding the “Proposed Tongass Land and Resource Management Plan Amendment and Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)”. Show up and see the 5 alternatives or send written comments by Feb 22

Alaska Young Fishermen’s Summit. Put on by Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program, this is a series of training, networking and skill building talks for new entrants in managing modern commercial fishing businesses; Jan 27-29in Juneau

Marketing. In response to low salmon prices, Bristol Bay’s Regional Development Association votes to use more than $1 million on marketing

Holiday Viewing. Here’s some pretty amazing photos and video of Bristol Bay sockeye

MERRY CHRISTMAS and THANK YOU for your support of USAG!!

— Cynthia
Cynthia Wallesz
Executive Director
United Southeast Alaska Gillnetters
PO Box 2196
Petersburg, AK 99833