Legislature, Salmon and Transboundary

6 Mar

Salmon. Big news in Washington on Friday as the legislature banned fish farming, which has been an industry there for many years.

Study shows that king salmon are smaller, wild and hatchery

Legislature. House Fisheries Committee Chair Rep Stutes is moving bills out of her committee to make way for the one she is sponsoring, HB 199 –expect a revision of this soon. Some other bills we are watching:

HB 188, Community Permit Banks, moved from the House Fisheries Committee and is now waiting in Labor and Commerce.  See a new version in the documents tab.

HB 231, CFEC Salary and staff classified service is in House Fisheries to be heard March 6 at 10.

HB 386, Vessels, Registration/titles; derelicts: Being heard in House Fisheries.

SJR3  was going to be heard in Senate Resources this Wed at 3:30 but meeting was canceled so stay tuned; USAG wrote a letter of support.

Transboundary. Michelle Mungall  of B.C.’s Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources recently announced the formation of a new task force at the B.C. legislature. The task force has a November deadline to make recommendations to Mungall on nine issues including the competitiveness of the B.C. industry, improving safety and the government’s role in geoscience to aid mineral exploration. More here, here and here is the most detailed story.

Official time and money is allocated by B.C. officials to work with the Government of Alaska to implement the Memorandum of Understanding and the Statement of Cooperation between the state and province. See it under Under ‘Objective 2.2’

Pleas to clean up Tulsequah Chief mine near Juneau continue.

Three and a half years after the Mount Polley Mine breach, the company responsible for the disaster is preparing to return water and tailings to the original tailings storage facility that failed in August 2014.

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-Cynthia Wallesz

Executive Director
United Southeast Alaska Gillnetters
PO Box 2196
Petersburg, AK 99833
(208) 995-7400 (cell)
ph: (253) 237-3099 Google Voice