Transboundary: This press release with USAG and others publically asks for the state to take the transboundary waters issue to the feds http://www.
Legislature: Started last week and we are watching closely. Current bills of interest:
HB220 ‘Fish Enhancement Permits’ http://www.akleg.gov/basis/
HB112 ‘Repeal CFEC, Transfer Funds to ADFG’ http://www.akleg.gov/basis/
HB251/SB135 ‘Electronic Tax Returns and Fisheries Taxes’ http://www.akleg.gov/basis/
HB249/SB132 ‘Electronic Tax Returns and Motor Fuel Tax’ http://www.akleg.gov/basis/
Marketing: ASMI makes this presentation to the legislature as they work to secure funds http://www.legis.state.ak.us/
Seafood industry still strong http://fnonlinenews.blogspot.
Copper River Salmon: Fish and Game predicts 11th largest run of sockeye this year and warm water blamed for small fish size http://www.thecordovatimes.
Executive Director
United Southeast Alaska Gillnetters
PO Box 2196
Petersburg, AK 99833
ph: (253) 237-3099 Google Voice