News for You

27 Jan


Transboundary: This press release with USAG and others publically asks for the state to take the transboundary waters issue to the feds The protection of our waters is gaining more attention as the New York Times picked up this article by a Sitka troller

Legislature: Started last week and we are watching closely.  Current bills of interest:

HB220 ‘Fish Enhancement Permits’;

HB112 ‘Repeal CFEC, Transfer Funds to ADFG’

HB251/SB135 ‘Electronic Tax Returns and Fisheries Taxes’

HB249/SB132 ‘Electronic Tax Returns and Motor Fuel Tax’

Marketing: ASMI makes this presentation to the legislature as they work to secure funds

Seafood industry still strong Here’s the report

Copper River Salmon: Fish and Game predicts 11th largest run of sockeye this year and warm water blamed for small fish size

Cynthia Wallesz
Executive Director
United Southeast Alaska Gillnetters
PO Box 2196
Petersburg, AK 99833