Prices. Icicle. Obama. ASPLI

9 Sep
Some news…

Sockeye prices. Reportedly down around 20% due to currency fluctuations, an increase of incoming Atlantic salmon, lots of Alaska salmon on the market (second largest-ever pink salmon harvest), and small-sized sockeye.

Icicle Seafoods sale fails.–partners-announces-termination-of-agreements-for-the-sale-of-icicle-seafoods-300138340.html

Obama learns about salmon. President Obama visited Alaska last week and during this rare occurrence, he learned firsthand about Alaska salmon:

Pricing blues? Direct marketers and processers may wish to check out the Alaska Seafood Processing Leadership Institute for 80 intense hours of training starting Nov 8 in Kodiak. Applications are due Sept 30:
Cynthia Wallesz
Executive Director
United Southeast Alaska Gillnetters
PO Box 2196
Petersburg, AK 99833