Thanks, Meetings, Transboundary, More

23 Nov

Transboundary. BIG NEWS last week when the Governor, Lt. Governor and our federal delegation finally came together and sent a letter to Secretary of State Tillerson, which is a needed step for us to get federal assistance to protect our transboundary waters! Thanks for your support of this; it took about 4 years. The news went far and wide thanks to the Association Press: ABC News, Washington Post, Lancaster Online, Seattle Times, NY Times. Here’s Senator’s Murkowski’s press release. And here’s some other good news reports from APRN and KTOO.

Meetings. USAG Annual Meeting, Tues., Nov 28, Ketchikan, starts at 9 a.m. until roughly 5 p.m. at the Cape Fox Lodge’s conference room by the fireplace. All current members very welcome!

Gillnet Task Force, Wed., Nov 29, Ketchikan, starts at 9 a.m. at the Ted Ferry Civic Center

Joint Regional Planning Team, Thurs, Nov 30, Ketchikan, starts at 9 a.m. at the Ted Ferry Civic Center

Salmon. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game is forecasting a commercial catch of 23 million pink salmon in Southeast Alaska next year. That would be down from this year but would come close to historical averages. Managers are expecting something similar to the disappointing season of 2016.

Ocean Acidification.  From the Alaska Ocean Acidification Network: They are interested in your opinion and priorities.  Researchers and resources managers are monitoring ocean acidification in Alaska, and need your input to develop a build-out plan for the monitoring network. Your help will make sure the plan addresses questions that are important to Alaskans. This survey should take less than 10 minutes. We appreciate your participation. Survey link:

Legislation. HB 199 is a fish habitat protection bill sponsored by Fisheries Chair Representative Stutes. We expect this to receive a lot of attention in this coming year’s legislative session. USAG has yet to respond. Here is more information and a supportive sign on letter.

GE Salmon. The Canadian government declares genetically engineered salmon is safe to eat and so it started being sold in the country this summer. But resistance to the idea that ge salmon is safe is growing and includes a grocery store that operates about 1,500 stores throughout Canada. More here.

UFA. The state-wide fishermen’s association (USAG is a member) just hired a new executive director, Frances Leach. Frances grew up fishing around Ketchikan and her dad gillnets; she will start at the beginning of the new year.

Happy Thanksgiving! THANK YOU for your continued support of USAG!

It’s easy to renew your USAG dues or join! See our website (here) or mail $300 to USAG, Box 2196, Petersburg, AK 99833. If you are a current USAG member,thank you!

-Cynthia Wallesz

Executive Director
United Southeast Alaska Gillnetters
PO Box 2196
Petersburg, AK 99833
(208) 995-7400 (cell)
ph: (253) 237-3099 Google Voice