Transboundary. Events (aka parties) are being held throughout SE to encourage municipalities, and ultimately our Governor, to formally ask the new State Dept to protect our transboundary waters. Some Boroughs have already written resolutions. The Governor’s office continues to drag their feet. Here’s the list of events (sorry Ketchikan yours was last week):
Sitka – TONIGHT!! Wednesday, September 13
On Tap with Salmon Beyond Borders at Mean Queen 7 – 9pm
Drink beer, learn about the campaign, view our short film Xboundary, and mix it up with like-minded salmon warriors. Free! (YES Free beer.)
Wrangell – Wednesday, September 27
Location: Stikine Inn Time: 6pm Details: TBD
Petersburg – Wednesday, October 3
Location: Petersburg Public Library Time: 5:30pm Details: TBD
More info: http://www.salmonbeyondborders
Results from the first five holes drilled this year into the Iron Cap Deposit at KSM could warrant significant changes to the project’s plan which could substantially improve project economics.
Salmon. Gillnetters have caught about 36,900 sockeye salmon in Lynn Canal so far this summer, the lowest harvest on record, according to preliminary Alaska Department of Fish and Game data.
Alaska’s salmon season is winding down and while catches have made the record books in some regions, the statewide take will fall a bit short of the 204 million fish forecast.
Salmon Prices. Alaska’s unforeseen bumper harvest of chum salmon — this season was the second highest harvest ever — comes at a time when roe prices are rising and Japanese catches have been low. Here’s more.
GE /Farmed Salmon. It took more than 20 years to navigate the complex regulatory system, but the world’s first GMO animal to be approved for human consumption has finally made it to the dinner plate. It took so long because the quest by AquaBounty to get its AquAdvantage Salmon to market was challenged at every turn by a host of opponents — from environmentalists to politicians to fishing industry groups.Read more of this informative article.
Sadly, last month, about 162,000 farmed Atlantic salmon escaped from a western Washington farm. There are many problems with farming fish; this time is was mostly poor infrastructure issues. Mixing farmed and wild species is a dangerous ‘experiment’ for natural systems. I’m happy to report that it is illegal to farm finfish in Alaska –the risk to our wild stocks and ecosystems is just to great. Here’s a recent story about this episode.
Other. UFA job announcement for a new Executive Director at United Fishermen of Alaska.
USAG. Season is winding down. When you put your boat away and order nets, please use USAG business members-those folks that kindly give money to help us help you! Find the current list on our website.
USAG needs a rep from Sitka! If you’re interested or want to learn more, please contact a board member or past board member Botso.
The USAG Board is working extra hard to prepare for the upcoming Board of Fisheries that meets this January. Being a member of USAG helps us attend essential meetings that protect our fleet. To renew your dues or join, see a Board Member (list is here) or our website (here) or mail $300 to USAG, Box 2196, Petersburg, AK 99833. If you are a current USAG member, thank you!
-Cynthia Wallesz
Executive Director
United Southeast Alaska Gillnetters
PO Box 2196
Petersburg, AK 99833
(208) 995-7400 (cell)
ph: (253) 237-3099 Google Voice