UFA Update

14 Nov

UFA Update

See UFA in booth 451 at Pacific Marine Expo

Be sure to catch:

SeaAlliance seminar the Media is the Message at 9:00 am on Thursday.
BBRSDA Seminar on Pebble Mine and its effects, 1:30 Thursday
UFA/ASMI Alaska Seafood Industry Update at 1:00 on Friday.
Reception for Salmon in the Trees -Nov. 16, Burke Museum -see #24 below

Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube users -take a look for SeaAlliance and sign up in support of sustainable fisheries.

Also see Marine Conservation Alliance Alaska Fish Notes at: http://www.marineconservationalliance.org/?p=2427

Action item:

Comment deadline Nov 22 on Genetically modified salmon and labeling
Federal Register notice: http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2010/2010-21243.htm
Or go to regulations.gov and enter keyword or ID: fr26au10-124 to post comments.


  1. Murkowski edges closer to victory
  2. Governor Announces Transition Approach & recruiting for ADFG Cmsr.
  3. ADF&G Releases 2010 Salmon Season Summary
  4. Fishery management group revamps observer program
  5. NOAA Final Rule on Groundfish Observer Program
  6. Mining convention gets a fishy flavor
  7. ADN: (Pebble) Alaska lawmakers debate planned Pebble mine study
  8. ADN (Chuitna) New technology puts new life in coal-to-liquids discussion
  9. Seminar: Metals Mining and the Fishery at UAA on Nov. 30, Dec 1-2.
  10. Alaska’s Mining Industry – AK Economic Trends Magazine, October
  11. Employment in Alaska’s Seafood Industry – AK Economic Trends Magazine, November
  12. NOAA Announces Action Agenda for Recreational Saltwater Fisheries – Funds effort to reduce fish mortality in recreational fisheries
  13. Dove Island Lodge Cited for Fishing Violations
  14. Investigators eyeing illegal salmon strip sales on Yukon
  15. Sitka Tribe urges enforcement on roe harvest distributed to communities
  16. Secretary Releases Public Report on Subsistence Review
  17. Federal Subsistence Board Recognizes the Customary and Traditional Uses of All Fish Species in the Kenai River by Residents of Ninilchik
  18. Laine Welch’s Fish Radio -topics from this week
  19. Comment deadline November 24 on unintentional take ESA Marine Mammals …
  20. NOAA MMPA List of Fisheries for 2011 Final Rule
  21. NMFS ELandings Workshop Nov 29, Seattle
  22. Alaska Board of Fisheries Lower Cook Inlet meeting – Homer, November 15-18
  23. Comment by December 28 on offshore processors discharge draft general permit
  24. Reception for Salmon in the Trees – Nov 16, Burke Museum, Seattle
  25. AFDF announces dates for 18th Annual Alaska Symphony of Seafood & Entries

Murkowski edges closer to victory
With nearly 90 percent of write-in ballots counted, Lisa Murkowski’s vote total closed to within 4,400 votes of Republican nominee, Joe Miller, as the incumbent U.S. Senator looks all but certain to retain her seat …

& ADN: Miller says absentee votes may turn tide as count continues

Complete ADN Senate Election coverage: http://www.adn.com/3771

Governor Announces Transition Approach & recruiting for ADFG Cmsr.
Input from Alaskans Encouraged
November 3, 2010, Anchorage, Alaska – Governor Sean Parnell today announced his approach to transitioning administrations. Seven transition groups will be established to discuss and make recommendations related to improving state agency performance. The governor has also requested the resignation letters from all state commissioners, deputy commissioners and directors.
A website has been established for Alaskans to submit ideas and suggestions. http://gov.alaska.gov/transition2010.html http://gov.alaska.gov/parnell/transition2010.html

Governor Sean Parnell Press Release:


The State of Alaska is recruiting for Commissioner of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game …

ADF&G Releases 2010 Salmon Season Summary
the Alaska Department of Fish and Game released preliminary estimates for the 2010 commercial salmon harvest, and the projected value of that harvest to commercial fishermen.

At the end of the 2010 salmon season, Alaska’s commercial salmon fishermen took home their largest paycheck in 18 years. The preliminary 2010 estimate indicates that the harvest generated $533.9 million, the highest exvessel value of any season since 1992. However, the big paychecks of 2010 were not spread around evenly. Just two areas, Bristol Bay and Prince William Sound, accounted for 55 percent of the total value of all salmon harvested in 2010.

… Details on the numbers and pounds of fish, average fish weight, average price per pound, and exvessel value for each of the salmon species, by area as well as statewide, can be found on the ADF&G website under “2010 Preliminary Season Summary” at http://www.cf.adfg.state.ak.us/geninfo/finfish/salmon/catchval/blusheet/10exvesl.php.

Copies may also be requested from the Division of Commercial Fisheries at: (907) 465-6133.

ADN Article: http://www.adn.com/2010/08/28/1429386/alaska-salmon-haul-a-surprise.html

Fishery management group revamps observer program

After more than a decade of discussion and dickering, the North Pacific Fishery Management Council approved sweeping changes to its observer program at its October meeting to now include all vessels longer than 40 feet …


NPFMC October Observer Motion: http://www.fakr.noaa.gov/npfmc/current_issues/observer/ObserverMotion1010.pdf

NOAA Final Rule on Groundfish Observer Program

Mining convention gets a fishy flavor

… Programming includes presentations on copper toxicity in salmon …
Rocks and minerals shared the glory with salmon and trout at the convention that ended Friday. For the first time, the Alaska Miners Association decided to make fisheries the theme of its week-long annual meeting …

ADN: (Pebble) Alaska lawmakers debate planned Pebble mine study
ANCHORAGE, Alaska – State lawmakers are still undecided about the scope and timing of a $750,000 study of the proposed Pebble copper and gold mine in Southwest Alaska.
The Anchorage Daily News reports a Legislative Council subcommittee discussed the study Thursday at a meeting in Anchorage without making a decision.


ADN (Chuitna) New technology puts new life in coal-to-liquids discussion

Coal-to-liquids for Cook Inlet has been an on-again off-again topic of discussion for some 20 years, but has never happened. Now a new technology could bring synthetic jet fuel production to Southcentral …


Seminar: Metals Mining and the Fishery at UAA on Nov. 30, Dec 1-2.

A seminar for natural resource professionals titled “Impacts of Metals and Metallic Mining on Aquatic Ecosystems and Human Health” is scheduled for Nov. 30, Dec. 1 and Dec. 2. This course is an overview of metals and related “semi-metals” that are mined or emitted as by-products of mining and is presented by The Nature Conservancy, the University of Alaska Anchorage – Department of Health Sciences, and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Conservation Planning Assistance Program …


Alaska’s Mining Industry – AK Economic Trends Magazine, October

The discovery of gold in the late 1800s drew thousands of people to the far reaches of Alaska. In 1880, Joseph Juneau found large pieces of quartz mixed with gold in Southeast Alaska, and his find lured prospectors to the new town site of Juneau. A second boom hit two years later when gold deposits were found on Douglas Island, across the channel from Juneau, resulting in the creation of Treadwell Mine. Gold discoveries in 1896 launched the great Klondike gold rush. Thousands of prospectors passed through Alaska on their way to the Yukon, creating the town of Skagway. More finds of gold in 1898 drew boat loads of people to Nome’s sandy beaches on the Seward Peninsula.


Employment in Alaska’s Seafood Industry – AK Economic Trends Magazine, November

Alaska’s fishing industry is a major economic engine, leading the nation in fish harvesting value and poundage. Harvesting and processing also help drive our state economy. In 2009, the industry directly employed at least 53,500 workers at some point during the year.

This article is an overview of total workers and average monthly employment in the Alaska fishing industry. It also provides a focused look at species and regions, and reviews how we create annual size estimates using fish harvest records, wage records, and other data sources.
November 2010 Trends magazine: http://labor.state.ak.us/trends/nov10.pdf

Looking for seafood job – or do people call you, looking?
AK Department of Labor – Seafood Jobs home page:
AK Department of Labor – Seafood Processing Orientation Video
And AK Dept of Labor ALEXsys site to search for jobs in the seafood industry:

NOAA Announces Action Agenda for Recreational Saltwater Fisheries – Funds effort to reduce fish mortality in recreational fisheries
October 26, 2010

NOAA has released the Recreational Saltwater Fisheries Action Agenda, a national plan to address the complex issues facing marine recreational fisheries. The plan will improve science and stewardship and build a stronger partnership with the recreational community. It is a direct outcome of input received from recreational fishermen during the April 2010 Recreational Saltwater Fishing Summit organized by NOAA …


Dove Island Lodge Cited for Fishing Violations
by Shannon Haugland, Sitka Sentinel Staff Writer – Monday, November 01, 2010

Dove Island Lodge and one of its skippers have been charged with logbook and bag limit violations related to a charter fishing trip in 2009.
The state filed 18 misdemeanor charges in Sitka District Court against skipper Eric John Morisky, 51, and six against the Sitka fishing lodge. The charges, filed last Monday, are related to a sting operation in which undercover investigators posed as charter clients.


Investigators eyeing illegal salmon strip sales on Yukon
Published on November 9th, 2010 10:09 pm, Tundra Drums
By ALEX DEMARBAN, Alaska Newspapers

Many subsistence fishermen illegally sell hundreds of pounds of salmon strips for thousands of dollars, an undercover investigation by wildlife protection officers has found.

The law-breaking is widespread, said Stan Pruszenski, special agent in charge for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Alaska …


Sitka Tribe urges enforcement on roe harvest distributed to communities

SITKA, ALASKA (2010-11-01) The Sitka Tribe of Alaska is asking for better enforcement of rules that prohibit out-of-state residents from harvesting subsistence herring roe. The tribe’s concern centers around commercial fishing vessels that bring in tons of the eggs and giving them away for free …

KFSK Audio & story …


Secretary Releases Public Report on Subsistence Review

On August 31, 2010, the Secretary and the Secretary of Agriculture announced the findings of the review and actions that they were taking to address concerns raised in the review. Changes to the federal program included the addition of two rural subsistence users on the Federal Subsistence Board (FSB), increased deference to the recommendations of the Regional Advisory Councils (RACs), review of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the State, review of current regulations governing customary and traditional uses and rural/nonrural determinations, involvement of the FSB in the subsistence budget process, and a review of minority and diversity hire issues. Some public recommendations for statutory and legal changes were not recommended at this time.

In addition to program changes, the Secretaries announced the appointment of a new Chair of the FSB, Tim Towarak.


The home page for the DOI review of subsistence management is at http://www.doi.gov/whatwedo/subsistencereview/,

Federal Subsistence Management website is at http://alaska.fws.gov/asm/index.cfml

Federal Subsistence Board Recognizes the Customary and Traditional Uses of All Fish Species in the Kenai River by Residents of Ninilchik

The Federal Subsistence Board met November 9 in Anchorage to reconsider a proposal (FP09-07) submitted by the Ninilchik Traditional Council to recognize the customary and traditional uses of all fish species in the Kenai River Area by residents of Ninilchik. The Board voted to adopt the proposal as submitted. The Kenai River Area includes the Kenai River Peninsula District waters north of and including the Kenai River drainage within the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge and the Chugach National Forest. The new regulation should be in effect by April 1, 2011. Once in effect, residents of Ninilchik will be eligible to harvest all fish species under Federal subsistence regulations in the Federal waters of the Kenai River Area. While Ninilchik residents will be eligible to harvest all fish species, there are currently no open seasons for grayling and burbot under Federal regulations.

See this and other Federal Subsistence Board Press releases at http://alaska.fws.gov/asm/news.cfml

Laine Welch’s Fish Radio -topics from this week

11/12/10 King crab prices set record, Dungeness market update‏
11/11/10 Energy in Fisheries Conference
11/10/10 Salmon wrap: BBay/PWS account for 55% of total AK salmon value!‏
11/9/10 Food safety # concern by consumers
11/8/10 Pacific Marine Expo 2010 bigger than ever http://www.marineconservationalliance.org/?page_id=846

Comment deadline November 24 on unintentional take ESA Marine Mammals …

SUMMARY: NMFS proposes to issue a permit for a period of three years to authorize the incidental, but not intentional, taking of individuals from six marine mammal stocks listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) by groundfish fisheries in the Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska.
… Accordingly, NMFS proposes to issue the required permits to participants in the Alaska-based groundfish fisheries. NMFS solicits public comments on the negligible impact determination and on the proposal to issue this permit.
DATES: Comments must be received by November 24, 2010.


NOAA MMPA List of Fisheries for 2011 Final Rule

SUMMARY: The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) publishes its final List of Fisheries (LOF) for 2011, as required by the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA). The final LOF for 2011 reflects new information on interactions between commercial fisheries and marine mammals. NMFS must classify each commercial fishery on the LOF into one of three categories under the MMPA based upon the level of serious injury and mortality of marine mammals that occurs incidental to each fishery. The classification of a fishery on the LOF determines whether participants in that fishery are subject to certain provisions of the MMPA, such as registration, observer coverage, and take reduction plan requirements.

DATES: This final rule is effective January 1, 2011.


NMFS ELandings Workshop Nov 29, Seattle

NMFS, Alaska Region, will present a workshop on seaLandings, a consolidated electronic means of reporting landings and production of commercial groundfish to multiple management agencies for Federal and State fisheries off Alaska, and 2011 recordkeeping and reporting requirements for the Alaska groundfish fisheries and Individual Fishing Quota fisheries.

DATES: The workshop will be held on November 29, 2010, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Pacific Standard Time.

ADDRESSES: The workshop will be held at the Swedish Cultural Center located at 1920 Dexter Ave., N. Seattle, WA, in the Svea Room located on the Main level.


Federal Register: http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2010/2010-28065.htm

Alaska Board of Fisheries Lower Cook Inlet meeting – Homer, November 15-18

The Alaska Board of Fisheries will meet November 15-18, 2010, at the Alaska Islands and Ocean Visitors Center (Kachemak Bay Research Reserve) in Homer, to consider proposed regulatory changes


Board of Fisheries Proposal books are now online for
Lower Cook Inlet Finfish(*PDF -289KB)
Kodiak Finfish(*PDF -231 KB)
Chignik Finfish(*PDF -162 KB)
Upper Cook Inlet Finfish(*PDF – 823 KB)
King and Tanner Crab(*PDF- 206 KB)
And Supplemental Proposals …


Comment by December 28 on offshore processors discharge draft general permit

The Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) has prepared an APDES draft general permit for Alaska Offshore Seafood Processors. The public is invited to comment on the draft general permit …

Review Period: October 29, 2010 to December 28, 2010

DEC Public Notice: http://www.dec.state.ak.us/water/wwdp/pdfs/PublicNoticedocs/AKG523000_PUBLIC_NOTICE.pdf

FISH EXPO Reception for Salmon in the Trees
Tuesday, November 16, 6:30 to 8:30 pm
Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture
U.W. Campus @ 17th Ave NE and NE 45th St,
Seattle WA.

$75 Ticket includes entry to the Burke Museum Salmon in the Trees photography exhibit, signed copy of the book, tax, gratuity, and SE Alaska seafood feast by heralded Chefs Kevin Davis and Anthony Polizzi.
For tickets, please visit www.brownpapertickets.org.

AFDF announces dates for 18th Annual Alaska Symphony of Seafood & Entries

Call for Product to enter the contest now available …

Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation (AFDF) announced today that they will again hold the judging event and a reception for their 18th Annual Alaska Symphony of Seafood new products contest in Seattle, Washington. The judging/reception will be held on Thursday, February 3, 2011. They also announced they will hold their Gala Soirée and Awards Ceremony in Anchorage on Friday, February 11, 2011 and they will hold a new event, AFDF Open House: Sampling the Entrees in Juneau on March 8, 2011.

Call for Products is now available online at www.symphonyofseafood.com.

The next UFA board of Directors meeting will be held February 15-17 in Juneau.

UFA dues for Alaska commercial fishing permit holders are $150 and we also welcome crew/supporter nonvoting members at $50 per year.
To support UFA by becoming a member see http://www.ufa-fish.org/members.htm
We encourage you to support UFA Business members – see list at http://www.ufa-fish.org/bm.htm