The next UFA board of Directors meeting will be held September 28-30 at the Clarion Suites in Downtown Anchorage, 1110 West 8th Ave. UFA board meetings are open to members and invited guests.
UFA dues for Alaska commercial fishing permit holders are $150 and we also welcome crew/supporter nonvoting members at $50 per year. To support UFA by becoming a member see
- UFA Announces new President Arni Thomson, new Executive Committee seats
- Senator Murkowski posts Proposed Changes to Sealaska Bill
- Sen. Murkowski Introduces Legislation to Help Spill Victims in the Gulf
- Senator Begich Introducing Oil Spill Research, Funding Legislation
- Poll: Oil spill changing seafood consumption
- Alaska harvesters aid Gulf counterparts
- Mother Jones/Atlantic: Will the Cruise Ship Industry Do BP’s Dirty Work?
- Gulf of Mexico Oil blowout – NOAA Deepwater Horizon Incident response page
- Senator Snowe to Propose Ocean Endowment
- Southeast trollers ply waters for coveted king salmon
- Bristol Bay sockeye harvest nears 12 million
- Restaurants enlisted in anti-Pebble Mine campaign
- Area M Commercial Fishermen Volunteer To Sit Out First Opening
- Audit cites wide fund abuse by NOAA cops
- Comment deadline August 10 on NOAA Next Generation Strategic Plan
- National Academies Press publishes: Ocean Acidification
- Indian Affairs official hears concerns of Alaska Natives
- Katmai 2008 sinking Report blames excessive load for vessel’s sinking in 2008
- Science panel on cruise ship wastewater –items from June 10-11 meeting
- Laine Welch’s Fish Radio – topics from this week
- ASMI Seafood Market Bulletin (May):
- IPHC: Bait Needed for 2011 IPHC Stock Assessment Survey
- NPFMC June Newsletter:
- Comment by July 29 on MSA capacity reduction
- Comment by August 30 on seafood imports with MMPA incidental mortality
- Comment by August 30 on Eastern population Steller Sea Lion ESA 5 yr review
- Comment deadline August 31 on Amendment 86 PCod LLP
- Comment deadline August 5 on Charter Halibut limited access
- Comment by July 15 on USDA Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee report
- Comment by July 27th on USDA Value-Added Producer Grant Program changes
- Deadline July 16 for USDA Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program
- Deadline July 16 for new FY 2011 Trade Adjustment Assistance petitions
- AK Sustainable Salmon Fund call for proposals, workshops planned
- Help Wanted: ASMI seeks Admin Specialist, International Marketing Coordinator Intern, and Receptionist
- Help Wanted: NPRB seeks Executive Director
- Help Wanted: NPFMC seeks Fisheries Economist/Analyst
1. UFA Announces new President Arni Thomson, new Executive Committee seats
Effective June 15, United Fishermen of Alaska (UFA) has elected Arni Thomson, Executive Director of the Alaska Crab Coalition (ACC), to lead the statewide fishing trade association as President for 2010 – 2011. Thomson has served on the UFA Board of Directors since 1997 as the representative of the ACC, and served as UFA’s National committee chair since 2005. He also serves as the Shellfish Committee Chair for the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI) …
Other changes include Cheryl Sutton of Ninilchik, who will follow Kathy Hansen as Statewide chair, Stephanie Madsen of Juneau who succeeds Thomson as National chair, and Duncan Fields of Kodiak following Roland Maw as Admin chair …
UFA Press release:
Juneau Empire story:
We thank Joe Childers for three years as UFA President – a volunteer job that involves a lot of work!
2. Senator Murkowski posts Proposed Changes to Sealaska Bill
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Following a dozen town meetings and the review of hundreds of comments and suggestions, Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski today presented her recommendations for changes in a bill to permit the Sealaska Native Regional Corp. to finalize its ANCSA land selections in Southeast Alaska.
Murkowski is proposing a major rewrite of the bill, removing all lands on northern Prince of Wales Island from possible timber selection to meet the concerns of Port Protection and Point Baker residents. She has reduced harvesting on Koscuisko Island to meet the concerns of Edna Bay residents, and has reduced harvesting by 40 percent at Keete to meet the concerns of some over wildlife impacts of the bill. She also has proposed to add about 150,000 acres of lands into conservation areas to offset impacts from timber development in the southern Tongass National Forest …
For complete press release with changes and maps, see:
3. Sen. Murkowski Introduces Legislation to Help Spill Victims in the Gulf
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska, has introduced legislation to address a number of pressing issues raised by the ongoing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, including a provision to expedite payments to those most affected by the spill …
Murkowski’s legislation would also establish regional citizen advisory councils along the Gulf to give local residents and stakeholders greater say in development off their coasts. The councils are modeled after the regional advisory councils set up in Alaska after the Exxon Valdez spill.
For other provisions see press release at:
4. Senator Begich Introducing Oil Spill Research, Funding Legislation Bills focused on Arctic energy development, spill research & response …
U.S. Sen. Mark Begich will introduce two more pieces of legislation designed to promote responsible energy development in the Arctic by ensuring the federal government has thoroughly planned and prepared for potential oil spills in the region. Begich’s bills are part of a larger comprehensive package of oil spill prevention and response legislation …
Sen. Begich plans on introducing a fourth bill dealing with citizen oversight of oil and gas development activities.
Senator Begich Press Release:
5. Poll: Oil spill changing seafood consumption – by SeafoodSource staff
29 June, 2010 – More than half of Americans in a survey released on Monday said the Gulf of Mexico oil spill has affected their seafood consumption habits.
According to a survey led by the University of Minnesota, 54 percent of respondents said the oil spill has affected their seafood consumption habits somewhat, while 44 percent said they will not eat Gulf seafood and 31 percents said they will eat less seafood regardless of its origin.
6. Alaska harvesters aid Gulf counterparts
The Alaska Fishing Industry Relief Mission, established to help fishing family victims of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, is back at work again, helping seafood industry victims of the Gulf of Mexico offshore oil disaster.
Mark Vinsel, AFIRM chairman and executive director of United Fishermen in Alaska, said June 23 that the nonprofit organization is sending a $10,600 donation to Louisiana to help underwrite an industry effort to create a citizen advisory committee to oversee the Gulf of Mexico oil industry.
If adopted by Congress, the Louisiana committee would be similar to those which already operate in Alaska’s Prince William Sound and Cook Inlet …
Alaskans in the Gulf Part 3: Alaska clean up team brings expertise to Gulf
7. Mother Jones/Atlantic: Will the Cruise Ship Industry Do BP’s Dirty Work?
After a BP refinery in Texas exploded in 2005, killing 15 workers and injuring scores more, the oil giant paid $1.6 billion in settlements to employees and their families. But the families of the workers killed on BP’s Deepwater Horizon rig in the Gulf of Mexico probably won’t receive a similar windfall. That’s because the Deepwater rig is legally considered an ocean-going vessel, and was more three nautical miles offshore at the time of the accident. As a result, the families of the dead workers can only sue BP and its contractors under a 90-year-old maritime law, the Death on the High Seas Act (DOHSA), which severely limits liability. In some cases, BP could get away with shelling out sums as paltry as $1,000 …
Last week, Senate Judiciary chair Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) introduced legislation that would do just that.
But Leahy’s bill faces an ugly political fight. And giant oil corporations–the most obvious potential opponents of such legislation–may not even have to flex their lobbying muscle. There’s another powerful industry with an interest in doing BP’s dirty work to preserve the status quo. That would be cruise line operators–and when it comes to Beltway battles, the cruise lobby is no Love Boat …
8. Gulf of Mexico Oil blowout – NOAA Deepwater Horizon Incident response page
9. Senator Snowe to Propose Ocean Endowment
More wind turbines, fewer fish, floating islands of trash, and millions of gallons of crude oil in the Gulf of Mexico.
With all these developments and many more manifesting in marine waters all over the planet, some observers are calling for Congress to do more to help generate and encourage more research on the health of the world’s oceans.
Two U.S. senators are working on a proposal to do just that, and one of them is Maine Republican Olympia Snowe. Working with Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., Snowe is hoping to co-sponsor a bill, the language of which is still being crafted, that would create a National Endowment for the Oceans …
10. Southeast trollers ply waters for coveted king salmon
The Southeast summer troll fishery opened July 1, paving the way for fishermen – mostly trollers – to hit the open waters hoping to land the prize fish: chinook salmon, or kings …
11. Bristol Bay sockeye harvest nears 12 million
Cold, drizzling weather continues to prevail in Bristol Bay’s famed sockeye salmon fishery, where the harvest to date has grown to nearly 12 million reds, on a run of nearly 15 million fish.
State managers on the west side of Bristol Bay opened fishing on Tuesday in the Wood River special harvest area, to protect sockeye escapements into the Nushagak River …
12. Restaurants enlisted in anti-Pebble Mine campaign
Trout Unlimited has enlisted nearly 50 restaurants in Seattle and Portland in its campaign against the proposed Pebble Mine.
KTUU reports the “Savor Bristol Bay” campaign encourages diners to choose Bristol Bay wild salmon. Trout Unlimited’s Paula Dobbyn says by drawing attention to the salmon, it can make more people aware of the potential harm from the mine …
13. Area M Commercial Fishermen Volunteer To Sit Out First Opening of June Sockeye Salmon Fishery
Seiners Recognize Concerns Surrounding Chum Runs in A-Y-K
Sand Point, AK – June 7, 2010 – The purse seine fleet in Sand Point and King Cove has decided to stand down this week during the first sockeye salmon opening for 2010 in Area M. The Area M fishery is located around Alaska’s Eastern Aleutian Islands and Western Peninsula on the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea. The first opening began today at 6 a.m. (June 7, 2010) and ends at 10 p.m. on June 10, 2010.
14. Audit cites wide fund abuse by NOAA cops – By Richard Gaines, Gloucester Times
Tens of millions in fines levied against U.S. commercial fishermen held in an unrecorded account were used by the fisheries law enforcement division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to fuel extravagant purchases and foreign travel, according to a forensic audit for a U.S. inspector general made public Thursday.
House Subcommittee on Insular Affairs, Oceans and Wildlife Chairwoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo (D-GU) Statement on Abuses by NOAA Law Enforcement
IG report download (3.6 meg.)
The Inspector General’s report and related correspondence is online at:
15. Comment deadline August 10 on NOAA Next Generation Strategic Plan
NOAA’s Next Generation Strategic Plan (Plan) sets the course for the agency’s mission, a vision of the future, the societal outcomes that NOAA aims to help realize, and, consequently, the actions that the agency must take. The draft Plan lays the foundation for NOAA to play a leading Federal role in responding to the Nation’s most urgent challenges, ranging from climate change, severe weather, and natural or human-induced disasters to declining biodiversity and threatened or degraded ocean and coastal resources …
DATES: The public comment period is open from June 29, 2010, to August 10, 2010. Comments must be submitted by COB on August 10, 2010. Federal Register Notice:
NOAA Next generation Strategic Plan home & comments page:
16. National Academies Press publishes – Ocean Acidification: A National Strategy to Meet the Challenges of a Changing Ocean
The ocean has absorbed a significant portion of all human-made carbon dioxide emissions. This benefits human society by moderating the rate of climate change, but also causes unprecedented changes to ocean chemistry …
Read free online or order the book at …
17. Indian Affairs official hears concerns of Alaska Natives ‘ROTTEN’: Difficulties in living subsistence lifestyle also aired.
FAIRBANKS — The new assistant secretary for Indian Affairs told tribal leaders that calls to revisit the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act have gotten his attention.
During a four-hour meeting in Fairbanks, Larry Echo Hawk listened to a host of concerns from Alaska Natives. Many speakers focused on weakened ties to ancestral lands and said it was time to revisit the 1971 law that settled aboriginal land claims by transferring 44 million acres of land to Native corporations …
18. Katmai 2008 sinking Report blames excessive load for vessel’s sinking in 2008 – By HAL BERNTON
The Seattle Times
SEATTLE — A Coast Guard Marine Board of Investigation concluded that an “excessively loaded” hold, an unsecured door, and an “imprudent decision” to push into a huge storm contributed to the Oct. 22, 2008, sinking of the Seattle-based Katmai that killed seven crew members …
ADN story:
USCG report – (34 Megabyte):
19. Science panel on cruise ship wastewater – items from June 10-11 meeting Posted online at:
Cruise wastewater Science Advisory Panel home page:
We did not see any media coverage of this meeting.
20. Laine Welch’s Fish Radio – topics from this week
- 7/6/10 Salmon Slide??
- 7/5/10 Salmon product shifts, less going into cans
- 7/2/10 Sun screen lotion kills corals
- 7/1/10 Marine Spatial Planning?
- 6/30/10 Top five seafood trends
21. ASMI Seafood Market Bulletin (May):
Featuring the following articles:
- 2010 Salmon Projection
- Alaska Salmon Price and Production Reports
- Canned Salmon Inventory and Sales
- Halibut and Sablefish Season Update
- Groundfish and Flatfish
Seafood Bulletin Archive – web:
22. IPHC: Bait Needed for 2011 IPHC Stock Assessment Survey – 290,000 pounds semi-bright chum salmon
Contact IPHC by July 15th
IPHC New releases, catch reports …
23. NPFMC June Newsletter – Topics include:
- GOA Rockfish Catch Share program
- Crab OFLs
- Crab Annual Catch Limits and Snow Crab rebuilding
- Crab Bycatch
- Steller Sea Lion Update
- GOA Exemption for BSAI Crab Vessels
- AM80 Vessel Replacement
- Chum Salmon Bycatch
- Observer Program
- Groundfish Retention Program …
24. Comment by July 29 on MSA capacity reduction
NMFS proposes amendments to the framework regulations specifying procedures for implementing fishing capacity reduction programs (reduction programs) in accordance with the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management (Magnuson-Stevens) Reauthorization Act of 2007. A reduction program pays harvesters in a fishery that has more vessels than capacity either to surrender their fishing permits including relevant fishing histories for that fishery, or surrender all their fishing permits and cancelling their fishing vessels fishing endorsements by permanently withdrawing the vessel from all fisheries. The cost of the program can be paid by post-reduction harvesters, taxpayers, or others. The intent of a program is to decrease the number of harvesters in the fishery, increase the economic efficiency of harvesting, and facilitate the conservation and management of fishery resources in each fishery in which NMFS conducts a reduction program.
DATES: Comments must be received by July 29, 2010.
25. Comment by August 30 on seafood imports with MMPA incidental mortality
NMFS is reopening the comment period, in order to provide additional opportunities for the public, foreign nations that export fish and fish products to the United States, and other interested parties to comment on the advance notice of proposed rulemaking to implement the provisions of section 101(a)(2)(A) of the Marine Mammal Protection Act for imports of fish and fish products …
DATES: Written comments must be received by 5 p.m. on August 30, 2010 …
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), 16 U.S.C. 1361-1423h, contains provisions addressing bycatch, or the incidental mortality and serious injury, of marine mammals in both domestic and foreign fisheries. With respect to foreign fisheries, section 101(a)(2) of the MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1371(a)(2)) states that “[t]he Secretary of the Treasury shall ban the importation of commercial fish or products from fish which have been caught with commercial fishing technology which results in the incidental kill or incidental serious injury of ocean mammals in excess of United States standards …
Are Salmon Farms to Blame for Seal Shootings? – PETA & SPCA
related archives … Fish-Farm Nets Snare, Drown 51 Sea Lions Off Vancouver Island ((2007)
Scottish fish farmers ‘conducting secret seal slaughter’ (2009)
26. Comment by August 30 on Eastern population Steller Sea Lion ESA 5 yr review
NMFS announces a 5-year review of the eastern Distinct Population Segment (DPS) of the Steller Sea Lion (Eumetopias jubatus) under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (ESA). A 5-year review is a periodic process conducted to ensure that the listing classification of a species is accurate and it is based on the best scientific and commercial data available at the time of the review; therefore, we are requesting submission of any such information on the eastern DPS of the Steller Sea Lion that has become available since their last status review in 1995. Based on the results of this 5-year review, we will make the requisite finding under the ESA.
DATES: To allow us adequate time to conduct this review, we must receive your information no later than August 30, 2010. However, we will continue to accept new information about any listed species at any time …
Federal Register
Federal Register correction July 7:
“The correct email is and the correct fax number is 907-586-7557.”
27. Comment deadline August 31 on Amendment 86 PCod LLP
The North Pacific Fishery Management Council submitted Amendment 86 to the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska (FMP) to NMFS for review. If approved, Amendment 86 would add a Pacific cod endorsement on licenses issued under the license limitation program (LLP) if those licenses have been used on vessels that meet minimum recent landing requirements using non-trawl gear, commonly known as fixed gear. This proposed action would exempt vessels that use jig gear from the requirement to hold an LLP license, modify the maximum length designation on a specific set of fixed gear LLP licenses, and allow entities representing specific communities to receive a limited number of fixed gear licenses with Pacific cod endorsements for use on vessels designated by entities representing the communities …
DATES: Comments on the amendment must be received on or before August 31, 2010.
Federal Register:
28. Comment deadline August 5 on Charter Halibut limited access
NMFS proposes regulations that would amend the limited access program for charter vessels in the guided sport fishery for Pacific halibut in the waters of International Pacific Halibut Commission Regulatory Area 2C (Southeast Alaska) and Area 3A (Central Gulf of Alaska). If approved, the proposed action would revise the method for assigning angler endorsements to charter halibut permits to more closely align each endorsement with the greatest number of charter vessel anglers reported for each vessel that a charter business used to qualify for a charter halibut permit. This action is necessary to achieve the halibut fishery management goals of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council …
DATES: Comments must be received no later than August 5, 2010.
Federal Register:
29. Comment by July 15 on USDA Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee report
The Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (a) announce the availability of the final Report of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 (Report); (b) solicit written comments on the Report; and (c) provide notice of a public meeting to solicit oral comments on the Report …
Federal Register Notice:
USDA Dietary Guidelines home page:
Recommendation #2:
“Shift food intake patterns to a more plant-based diet that emphasizes vegetables, cooked dry beans and peas, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. In addition, increase the intake of seafood and fat-free and low-fat milk and milk products, and consume only moderate amounts of lean meats, poultry, and eggs.”
30. Comment by July 27th on USDA Value-Added Producer Grant Program changes
Under the proposed program, grants will be made to help eligible producers of agricultural commodities enter into or expand value-added activities including the development of feasibility studies, business plans, and marketing strategies. The program will also provide working capital for expenses such as implementing an existing viable marketing strategy …
Value Added Producer Grant Program home page:
31. Deadline July 16 for USDA Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program
The Notice announces the availability of $45.1 million in program level to support rural microentrepreneurship in rural America and solicits applications for funds available under the Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program to provide direct loans, technical assistance grants, and technical assistance-only grants to microdevelopment organizations to support the development and ongoing success of rural microentrepreneurs and microenterprises …
Federal Register:
Federal Register correction notice:
Center for Rural Affairs:
For more info contact USDA Rural Development Alaska Office at (907) 761-7705
32. Deadline July 16 for new FY 2011 Trade Adjustment Assistance petitions
WASHINGTON, May 21, 2010—The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today announced the period for accepting petitions under the Fiscal Year 2011 Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) for Farmers Program. Petitions will be accepted between May 21, 2010, and July 16, 2010 …
The TAA for Farmers program helps producers of raw agricultural commodities and fishermen adjust to a changing economic environment associated with import competition through technical assistance and cash benefits. If you are a producer of a commodity who has recently suffered a greater than 15 percent decrease in the national average price, the quantity of production, value of production, or cash receipts compared to the average of the three preceding marketing years, and imports contributed importantly to this decline, then you may be eligible to receive free information, technical assistance, and cash payments to develop and implement Business Adjustment Plans from the TAA for Farmers program …
USDA FAS press release:
USDA Trade Adjustment Assistance home page:
We are pleased that your response to our 2003 Action Alert that opened up this program to U.S. fishermen is still providing benefits to Gulf shrimpers. They need all the help they can get.
33. AK Sustainable Salmon Fund call for proposals, workshops planned
AKSSF will open a CFP for the Southeast Region on July 21, 2010. There will also be grants for outreach and education, due in August. Workshops are planned for Juneau, August 5, and Anchorage, September 23. For details see or
34. Help Wanted: ASMI seeks Admin Specialist, International Marketing Coordinator Intern, and Receptionist.
See for Admin Specialist and International Marketing Coordinator Intern position notices …
We also received the following via email-
The Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI), Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development (DCCED) State of Alaska is seeking candidates for an Administrative Support Technician …
This position is the lead receptionist and primary administrative support for the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI) Juneau office. The incumbent will provide project support for the ASMI staff and directors while independently performing a variety of clerical assignments at the full-proficiency level. As the first point of contact, the incumbent will be responsible for disseminating information and directing inquiries to the appropriate staff. This position is also responsible for gathering and compiling data as well as other duties and projects as assigned.
Closing date for applications to be received by 4 PM AST July 19,2010.
For more info send email to:
35. Help Wanted: NPRB seeks Executive Director
Job Description:
North Pacific Research Board home page:
36. Help Wanted: NPFMC seeks Fisheries Economist/Analyst