Employment in Alaska’s Seafood Industry – Nov 2010 AK DOL Trends Magazine

7 Mar

Alaska’s fishing industry is a major economic engine, leading the nation in fish harvesting value and poundage. Harvesting and processing also help drive our state economy. In 2009, the industry directly employed at least 53,500 workers at some point during the year.

This article is an overview of total workers and average monthly employment in the Alaska fishing industry. It also provides a focused look at species and regions, and reviews how we create annual size estimates using fish harvest records, wage records, and other data sources.
November 2010 Trends magazine: http://labor.state.ak.us/trends/nov10.pdf

Also of use to UFA groups and members:

Looking for seafood job:

AK Department of Labor – Seafood Jobs home page:

AK Department of Labor – Seafood Processing Orientation Video


AK Dept of Labor ALEXsys site to search for jobs in the seafood industry: