Request #1: We NEED PHOTOS of YOU! We are updating the USAG website and especially need photos of families fishing. GRAB YOUR PHONE AND TAKE SOME PICTURES. Before your kids go back to school, let’s see them on the boat! Please email them:
Request #2: As the cruise ship season comes to a close, the good folks at Southeast Alaska Pilots Association are asking what we thought of the 2015 track lines
- What worked?
- What didn’t?
- Any complaints?
- Did you use the list of Cruise ship ETA’s? Apparently, that took a bunch of time to put together so if it wasn’t useful, they won’t provide it for us.
- Any interest in expanding the track lines to include Pt. Baker?
USAG works with the Pilots and others to design marine track lines for the safety and benefit of us all. Your feedback is really important. Email your answers or tell a local board member by Sept 5 so I can pass it along for their next meeting.
Sockeye Size: The sockeye are small this year and this is the case across the state:
Fact Sheets: Commercial fishing fact sheets are produced by Untied Fishermen of Alaska and are great references when talking about how important commercial fishing is in your town and region. Our industry is still the largest private sector in the state with over 63,000 direct jobs. Here’s the sheets and an article about them: and
Administration Outreach: Governor Walker and Lt. Governor Mallott have developed a newsletter for Alaskans. You can sign up here, view its first edition and get press releases:
Budget Video: Governor Walker’s administration is calling on Alaskans to add their voice to Alaska’s budget/tax/spending conversation. View the short (1:30) video “Alaska’s Spending & Revenue Model” which explains Alaska’s current budget situation in an easy format.
Have a great week! Cynthia
Cynthia Wallesz
Executive Director
United Southeast Alaska Gillnetters
PO Box 2196
Petersburg, AK 99833
(208) 995-7400 (cell)
ph: (253) 237-3099 Google Voice