Fish and Game, Hatchery, Legislature and more

5 May

Fish and Game. It’s almost time! Here’s our management plan for the season.
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Commissioner Cotten and other officials visit Petersburg and talk with USAG and fishermen.

Business Members. As you get your boat and gear ready for the season, support USAG’s business members! They are awesome and have the supplies and services you need. See an updated list on ourwebsite here and let them know you appreciate their support of our fishery.

King Salmon. Taku River king salmon decline closes king fishing around Juneau through June 14. Facing a forecasted second-straight year of record low salmon returns and the closure of the first two months of summer fishing, Juneau’s fishermen want answers.

Transboundary. Great stories here by PBS and this one is an opinion piece in the Vancouver Sun.

Legislature. We’ve seen progress with some CFEC issues we’ve been working on including the introduction of HB 231 and SB 115, which helps ensure CFEC staff doesn’t move to Fish and Game. Here’s a story. We expect fishing related legislation to take a break as summer approaches and our elected officials still have to figure out big budget issues.

We don’t have to worry anymore about the income tax bill, HB 115, because they removed the part that included crew members.

HB 188 changes CFEC and introduces Regional Fisheries Trusts. USAG is opposed to this. You can find ourletter here amongst the supportive ones. More on that later.

Hatchery. Kake Hatchery, Gunnuck Creek, to re-open with new owner.

Thomas Bay project under way and doing well.

DIPAC invites all to attend totem pole rising this Saturday. Learn more on their website.

Membership. Are you a Member? THANK YOU for your support! To renew or join USAG click here. Or here to learn more about our popular insurance program.

-Cynthia Wallesz

Executive Director
United Southeast Alaska Gillnetters
PO Box 2196
Petersburg, AK 99833
(208) 995-7400 (cell)
ph: (253) 237-3099 Google Voice